- 1、青少年从小就要养成好好学习,热爱劳动的好习惯,可不敢产生好逸恶劳,贪图享受的思想。
- 2、他的前妻是个很贪图享受的人.
- 3、Intoday's fast-paced society, many people are constantly chasing after material possessions and indulging in luxurious experiences, just to satisfy their insatiable desire for enjoyment.
- 4、Although I understand the importance of saving money and planning for the future, sometimes I can't help but feel tempted to give in to my desire for immediate pleasure and indulge in a little extravagance.
- 5、AsI basked in the warm sunlight on a white sandy beach, sipping a refreshing cocktail, I couldn't help but succumb to the allure of pure enjoyment, even if just for a moment.
- 6、Ina world where stress and responsibilities constantly weigh us down, surrendering to the pursuit of enjoyment, be it through pampering spa treatments or exquisite dining experiences, becomes an essential form of self-care.
- 7、The twinkling lights, melodious tunes, and mouthwatering aromas of a bustling night market seduce even the most disciplined individuals into surrendering to the irresistible pleasure of indulgence.
- 8、While it is important to prioritize our long-term goals and aspirations, we must also learn to find a balance, allowing ourselves occasional moments of self-indulgence as a way to recharge and rejuvenate.
- 9、Sitting in a cozy cafe, savoring a perfectly brewed cup of coffee and losing myself in the pages of a captivating novel, I realized that small moments of self-indulgence can bring immense joy and contentment.
- 10、In a world where instant gratification is the norm, it takes strength and self-control to resist the allure of immediate enjoyment and instead focus on achieving long-term fulfillment and success.
- 11、While some may criticize those who prioritize their own enjoyment over societal expectations, it is important to remember that self-indulgence in moderation can act as a driving force for personal growth and happiness.
- 12、As I closed my eyes and let the warm water of a bubble bath engulf me, I couldn't help but appreciate the blissful escape from reality that this moment of self-indulgence provided.
- 13、Indulging in the harmonious melodies of a symphony orchestra, I am reminded that moments of pure enjoyment can nourish our souls and elevate us to a higher state of being.
- 14、The aromatic aroma of freshly baked pastries drifting through the air is enough to tempt even the most disciplined individuals into a momentary lapse of self-control and give in to the pleasure of indulgence.
- 15、While some may view the pursuit of enjoyment as a selfish endeavor, I believe that allowing ourselves to indulge in life's pleasures not only enriches our own experiences but also allows us to better appreciate the beauty of the world around us.
- 16、In a society that often prioritizes productivity and efficiency, it is crucial to intentionally carve out time for self-indulgence, whether it be through a day at the spa or a leisurely stroll in nature, to recharge and reconnect with our inner selves.
- 17、The luxurious sensation of silk against the skin, the delicate scent of jasmine lingering in the air, and the gentle flicker of candlelight create an ambiance of indulgence and relaxation, allowing one to escape from the pressures of the outside world.
- 18、知之小工具尽量原创和收集高质量句子,使您在造句的同时,还能学到有用的知识.
- 19、贪图享受,害怕艰苦,就会丧失革命斗志。
- 20、此外,当今社会上贪图享受、奢侈浪费现象大有存在,学校不是真空,部分学生的思想受到了影响。
- 21、他为了贪图享受,逐渐腐化堕落,以致于成为贪污分子,此即古人所谓宴安鸩毒。
- 22、但在平定吴国后,他认为天下一统,基业已固,就开始贪图享受,穷奢极侈,无所不用其极,“后宫殆将万人”,“日食万钱”,还说“无下箸处”。
- 23、他因为赚了一些钱,就变得好逸恶劳,贪图享受。
- 24、他没有上进的理想,也没有贪图享受的奢望.
- 25、任何轻视劳动、蔑视劳动、贪图享受、不尊重辛勤劳动的人,都是错误的,都是可耻的,都应当手到大家的批评和指责。
- 26、他过去也许真的喜欢她,不过由于贪图享受和偶然的机遇,他又作出了别的抉择。
- 27、春节快乐不用说,假期结束心不舍。人生在世应奋斗,贪图享受难长久。调整心态去工作,精神振作莫颓废。愿你开心工作每一天,事业有成心里乐!
- 28、有的“温水煮青蛙”,贪图享受,面对正风肃纪仍然不收手,不知不觉滑向深渊。
- 29、处处攀比,心态失衡是腐败之因;贪图享受,怕苦怕累是腐败之壤;求名图利,见利忘义是腐败之源。
- 30、人都有这个弱点,就是得过且过,苟且偷安,贪图享受,安于现状。
- 31、如此一来,传递出的信号是,时下年轻一代贪图享受,怕苦怕累,一个“经常加班”就吓退他们。
- 32、有的人官僚主义严盆,高高在上,不深入基层联系群众,不关心人民疾苦,作风滚浮,贪图享受,吃喝玩乐,灯红酒绿,纸醉金迷,在群众中影晌很坏。