

  • 1、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天进步!
  • 2、呜呼!岛夷蛇豕,荐食上国,既噬台鲜,复攫东北,贪婪无厌,兵压平津,陷察攻晋,谓我无人。
  • 3、Hewas consumed by a greedy and insatiable desire for wealth, constantly sacrificing his relationships and happiness in pursuit of more money.
  • 4、The tycoon's insatiable appetite for power led him to ruthlessly manipulate and exploit those around him, leaving a trail of broken dreams and shattered lives in his wake.
  • 5、Despite having more than enough, the wealthy heiress remained insatiably greedy, always wanting more material possessions to fill the void within her.
  • 6、The politician's insatiable hunger for fame and recognition drove him to make empty promises and perform outrageous stunts, all in the name of gaining attention.
  • 7、Her insatiable thirst for knowledge led her to voraciously consume books, attending every lecture and workshop available to expand her intellectual horizons.
  • 8、Despite the warnings of environmentalists, the corporation continued its insatiable exploitation of natural resources, showing no regard for the long-term consequences.
  • 9、His insatiable craving for applause and admiration led him to constantly seek validation from others, neglecting his own self-worth in the process.
  • 10、The company's CEO, driven by an insatiable hunger for success, pushed his employees to the brink, disregarding their mental and physical well-being.
  • 11、The protagonist's insatiable longing for love and affection led her to engage in multiple unhealthy relationships, searching for validation and completeness.
  • 12、The villain's insatiable lust for power and control drove him to orchestrate a coup, toppling the legitimate government and plunging the country into chaos.
  • 13、Despite her outward beauty, her insatiable desire for perfection left her constantly dissatisfied with herself, leading to a never-ending cycle of self-improvement.
  • 14、The insatiable competitiveness of the sportsman spurred him to train relentlessly, always striving to be faster, stronger, and better than his opponents.
  • 15、In his quest for dominance, the warlord showed no mercy, his insatiable hunger for conquest leading to the destruction of entire kingdoms.
  • 16、The artist's insatiable passion for creativity and innovation fueled his unconventional and groundbreaking artwork, challenging societal norms and inspiring generations.
  • 17、The child's insatiable curiosity about the world around him led to endless questions, as he embarked on a journey of discovery to satisfy his thirst for knowledge.
  • 18、Despite achieving great success, the actress's insatiable need for validation led to a constant seeking of praise and approval from others, never feeling truly fulfilled.
  • 19、The insatiable demand for the latest technology led to factories working around the clock and workers enduring grueling hours, all to keep up with consumer desires.
  • 20、The insatiable appetite of the entertainment industry for scandal and controversy fed the public's never-ending thirst for gossip and drama.
  • 21、无常鬼用人间的钱催得迅速点,免得再胡言乱语贪婪无厌.
  • 22、面对如此徘徊的女性,即使那些有房子的男人也开始动起脑筋,避免碰上那些贪婪无厌极其拜金的女人。
  • 23、叔父此言差矣,此事却为你我思虑不周,既知那人本就贪婪无厌,却礼数不周,不怪对方不见。
  • 24、他是一个贪得无厌的人,大家都不愿同他交往。也作“贪婪无厌”、“贪欲无厌”、“贪而无厌”。
  • 25、突厥贪婪无厌,朕将征之,自今勿复为书,皆用诏敕。
  • 26、缺乏一个感恩的心,他们变得贪婪无厌
  • 27、当年的盗营部队,并不是电影里那样,士兵都是贪婪无厌的丑恶嘴脸。
  • 28贪婪无厌之浪汉,结群聚伙,占据沿海岛屿。
  • 29、思付间不禁舒臂揽了揽可珠的柳腰,低头贪婪无厌地在她玉唇上印下一个深情的吻。


贪婪无厌 tān lán wú yàn





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