- 1、恩格斯经常接济在贫困中坚持写作的马克思。
- 2、在贫困中,要有忠心志气;在危难中,要有信心勇气;在富贵中,要有舍财义气;在做人中,要有浩然正气。
- 3、AsI walked through the impoverished village, my heart ached for the families struggling to put food on the table and provide for their children's education.
- 4、Despite their tireless efforts to escape poverty, the cycle of destitution seemed to trap them, preventing any real progress or opportunities for a better life.
- 5、The harsh reality of poverty hit me when I witnessed a child scavenging for food in the garbage, his eyes reflecting the hardships he faced on a daily basis.
- 6、The weight of poverty seemed to press upon the shoulders of the elderly, as they spent their golden years barely able to afford basic healthcare or a warm meal.
- 7、Inthe face of adversity, the resilient spirit of those living in poverty shone through, as they fought tirelessly to provide a glimmer of hope for their children's future.
- 8、The echoes of laughter from children in luxurious private schools contrasted sharply with the silence and despair in classrooms of impoverished neighborhoods, where education was a luxury only a few could afford.
- 9、The specter of poverty cast its shadow over the slums, where families struggled to find clean water, adequate shelter, and even basic healthcare.
- 10、The haunting image of a young girl working tirelessly in a sweatshop, numb to the concept of childhood, served as a harsh reminder of the devastating impact poverty has on innocence.
- 11、In the recesses of my mind, the question lingered: how many minds, potentially brilliant, are lost to the shackles of poverty and the lack of access to quality education?
- 12、Poverty demolished dreams like a hurricane, leaving ruins of broken ambitions in its wake, as individuals struggled to overcome the barriers set before them.
- 13、Each tattered house in the impoverished neighborhood held stories of resilience, as families scraped together whatever they could to make ends meet, despite the odds stacked against them.
- 14、The daily struggle for survival dominated the lives of the impoverished, leaving little room for dreams, aspirations, or the pursuit of happiness that others often take for granted.
- 15、The tug-of-war between basic needs and dreams pulled at the hearts of those living in poverty, as they constantly battled to balance survival and the yearning for a brighter future.
- 16、The brutal reality of poverty made me question the fairness of a world where some hold immeasurable wealth while others barely scrape by on the remnants of society's indifference.
- 17、请你们告诉自己,无论如何也都不要忘记那些生活在社会底层的穷苦的人……如果美国不以其财富拯救穷人,最终也要下地狱。如果不把它巨大的资源和财富用来消除贫困,让所有的上帝子民都有饭吃有衣穿,美国也要下地狱。
- 18、对于贫困山区的学生,或许考上大学才是他们的唯一出路。
- 19、此外,收入和财富不平等也再度扩大:贫困家庭面临更大的风险,失业、工资下降、工时削减都会造成劳动收入缩水;而华尔街那骇人听闻的奖金不但卷土重来,而且变本加厉。
- 20、由于海啸频发的地区都在贫困的国家,那里几乎没有可用于从海啸后恢复的基础设施,也没有足够的可靠掩护物来逃避巨浪。
- 21、幸福是什么?幸福是避去苦难之后的时间;幸福是没有痛苦的时刻;幸福是贫困中相濡以沫的一块糕饼;幸福是患难中心心相印的一个眼神;幸福是父亲一次粗糙的抚摸。
- 22、祖父生不逢时,在贫困中挣扎了一辈子。
- 23、他虽然家境贫困,却从小立下鸿鹄之志,发誓将来一定要出人头地。
- 24、值此光棍节来临之际,我谨代表四姨夫的三小舅子的二外甥女家的大忽悠,对挣扎在单身边缘的你表示深切慰问,愿早日摆脱单身贫困,让单节棍变成双节棍。
- 25、他自小家里贫困,全靠自己努力白手起家建立起自己的事业。
- 26、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天进步!
- 27、不劳而获之物,只有贫困。
- 28、自从国家的扶贫计划的实施,才能让那些贫困的人家安居乐业下来。
- 29、为了帮助贫困山区的孩子,我们特地组织了一次捐献文具用品的活动。
- 30、生产力的这种发展……之所以是绝对必需的实际前提,还因为如果没有这种发展,那就只会有贫穷的普遍化,而在极端的贫困的情况下,就必须重新开始必需品的斗争,也就是说,全部陈腐的东西又要死灰复燃。马克思
- 31、承认贫困并不是可耻的。相反,不为改变贫困而努力才是确实可耻的。
- 32、为改变贫困地区的落后面貌,县长经常到基层视察,做调查研究。
- 33、国家下大力改善贫困地区的办学条件。
- 34、最糟糕的贫困,莫过于智力贫乏。
- 35、贫困不是耻辱,羞于贫困才是耻辱。
- 36、他家中贫困,身边没有任何财物,可称得上是家徒四壁。
- 37、省委*记慰问贫困户,简直出乎意外。
- 38、湘西凤凰县是少数民族贫困县.
- 39、桥啊,家乡的桥,民族的桥,你一端连着昔日的贫困,一端连着今日的繁荣,坚实的桥墩就是我们这个民族不屈的个性。“一桥飞架南北,天堑变通途”,伟大的中国成功架设了一座座通向小康、走向世界的理想大桥。
- 40、由于经济形势好转,**增加了对贫困户的生活补贴。
- 41、对国家贫困,世界贫困,世界繁荣等议题,某一时代认识的群体性混乱,竟然发展成如此虚妄狂悖令人既悲且逗的杂烩,过去固然不乏先例,这回可说是前度刘郎今又来了。
- 42、劳动可以使我们摆脱三大灾祸:寂寞、恶习、贫困。歌德
- 43、今天社会上仍然有很多贫困的孩子上不起学。
- 44、因博友如此之多,又如此贫困而无法对他们进行控告,而且大多数将他们带有诽谤文字的、沉思性质的文章聚集起来的博友并不在英格兰和威尔士的管辖范围之内,因此英国法庭也是鞭长莫及。
- 45、如果在箱柜中积存了万两黄金,即使贫困也不使用,那么就不知道这和贫穷有什么不同;如果胸中怀有华丽的辞藻,不把心意寄托在着述上,那么就不知道他和普通鄙陋的人有什么区别。
- 46、所以本人认为志愿服务机构如扶轮运动,任重道远,以扮演牵头角色,坐言起行,鼓励不同种族,人民相互关怀、扶持、爱护和平,使大家,尤其是发展中地区的贫困人得以安居乐业。
- 47、物质生活的贫困,精神生活的匮乏并不可怕,可怕的是不肯为改变这种现状去吃苦。
- 48、在这指责背后隐藏着"安贫乐道"的价值标准,而这种将贫困道德化的价值观是十分可疑的。
- 49、吝啬鬼永远处在贫困中。贺拉斯
- 50、个伟大人物,也许出身贫寒,可能一生与贫困搏斗,但,没有一个品格欠缺的人可以称为伟大的。