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购买动机造句 首页

  • 1、在对现阶段大学生网上购物的购买动机和特征分析的基础上,提出了几点应对大学生网上购物机遇的营销策略,为网上零售商提供参考。
  • 2、本研究以初始购买动机为协变量,探讨调节性匹配组与不匹配组在重复购买动机上的差异。
  • 3、The desire to improve my cooking skills and prepare delicious meals for my family inspired me to purchase a comprehensive recipe book packed with culinary secrets and techniques.
  • 4、The thrill of exploring new destinations and immersing myself in different cultures propelled my purchasing motivation to buy a travel package that promised a memorable adventure.
  • 5、Asa lover of fashion, the latest trend presented itself as the perfect purchasing motivation, tempting me to buy a chic ensemble that would make me feel confident and stylish.
  • 6、The thought of capturing precious moments with my loved ones motivated me to invest in a high-quality camera that would allow me to document those memories in stunning detail.
  • 7、The need for a reliable and efficient means of transportation pushed my purchasing motivation to buy a brand-new car, ensuring a smooth daily commute and a sense of safety on the road.
  • 8、The urge to stay fit and lead a healthy lifestyle motivated me to purchase a gym membership, providing me with access to state-of-the-art equipment and professional guidance.
  • 9、The desire to create a cozy and inviting space in my home led me to invest in luxurious furniture and decor that would transform my living environment into an oasis of comfort and style.
  • 10、The dream of owning my own business drove my purchasing motivation to acquire essential tools and resources, ensuring a solid foundation for success and growth.
  • 11、The aspiration to improve my knowledge and skills encouraged me to invest in an online learning platform that provided access to educational courses and materials.
  • 12、The motivation to lead an organized and clutter-free life compelled me to purchase storage solutions that would help me declutter my space and maintain a tidy environment.
  • 13、The desire to pamper myself and indulge in self-care prompted me to purchase luxurious skincare products that promised to rejuvenate my skin and enhance my natural beauty.
  • 14、The determination to embrace a sustainable lifestyle and reduce my environmental footprint inspired me to purchase eco-friendly household products and support ethical brands.
  • 15、The love for pets and the aspiration to provide them with a comfortable and enjoyable life motivated me to purchase premium pet supplies and accessories that would cater to their needs.
  • 16、The longing for a peaceful and restful sleep pushed my purchasing motivation to invest in a high-quality mattress and bedding, ensuring optimum comfort and relaxation.
  • 17、The passion for photography and the desire to capture breathtaking landscapes motivated me to purchase a drone that would allow me to capture aerial shots and explore new perspectives.
  • 18、旅游者个体特征因素对旅游者的购物行为有重要影响,导致旅游者在购买次数、旅游商品评价、购买动机、购买内容等多方面表现出显著差异。
  • 19、广告对购买动机的诱惑力既有正面效果,又有反面效果。
  • 20、不同的购买动机也会有不同的选择评估行为。
  • 21、换句话说,当客户购买的电动剃须刀,主要购买动机可能是方便。
  • 22、儿童期也一样,这些特征将直接影响着儿童的购买动机和购买行为。
  • 23、因为客户的购买动机不同,有时汽车具有的优点不是某些客户所必需的。
  • 24、造网是一部在线造句词典,其宗旨是更快地造出更优质的句子.
  • 25、首先,本研究基于文献回顾总结、消费者访谈和预测试检验,验证了消费者决策风格量表以及奢侈品购买动机量表在中国地区的适应性。
  • 26、选择购买动机导致客户选择特定的产品或服务。
  • 27、的方式确定用户的购买动机,一个最有力的工具就是市场划分。
  • 28、本文首先从我国的住房产业现状入手,通过剖析购买动机与行为的基本理论,分析了我国居民购房行为的特征。
  • 29、基于这样的环境和背景,本文以消费者决策风格为细分基础,展开了针对大学生的奢侈品购买动机研究。
  • 30、这一选择的客户后,主要购买动机已经确定。
