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转败为胜造句 首页

  • 1、在这场篮球比赛中,我班最初连连失利,后来改变了战术,调整了攻守力量,终于转败为胜
  • 2、此言兵法,是说兵家要善于抓住一切机会,甚至是看去无什用处的东西,努力争取主动,壮大自己,即时利用而转不利为有利,乃至转败为胜
  • 3、Inthe face of the heartbreaking loss, he refused to give up and turned defeat into victory, proving to everyone that resilience and determination can conquer any challenge.
  • 4、Despite the initial setbacks, the team pulled together and transformed their failures into valuable learning experiences, paving the way for future success.
  • 5、She faced countless obstacles along her path to success, but with unwavering determination, she was able to turn adversity into triumph, emerging stronger and more resilient than ever.
  • 6、Ashe struggled with self-doubt and disappointment, he found the inner strength to transform his failures into stepping stones towards his ultimate goal.
  • 7、The defeat was a bitter pill to swallow, but through hard work and perseverance, he managed to turn the tables and achieve a glorious victory that surpassed all expectations.
  • 8、Despite facing overwhelming odds, they refused to be defeated and turned what seemed like a lost cause into a triumphant comeback, inspiring everyone around them.
  • 9、Inthe face of adversity, they banded together and transformed their defeat into a rallying cry for change, sparking a movement that would reshape the future.
  • 10、The journey to success was fraught with obstacles and setbacks, but she never let failure define her and instead used it as fuel to transform her dreams into reality.
  • 11、When the world seemed to be against him, he channeled his frustration into relentless determination, ultimately turning his failures into a stunning victory that silenced all doubters.
  • 12、Despite the initial disappointment, they channeled their energy into finding alternative solutions, ultimately turning defeat into a groundbreaking innovation that revolutionized the industry.
  • 13、The defeat was a wake-up call that forced them to reevaluate their strategies, resulting in a radical transformation that turned their fortunes around and propelled them to unprecedented success.
  • 14、She refused to be defined by the setbacks she encountered, instead using them as motivation to reinvent herself and turn her weaknesses into strengths that would catapult her to the top.
  • 15、In the depths of despair, he found the courage to transform his failures into opportunities for growth and self-discovery, ultimately emerging victorious against all odds.
  • 16、Despite the overwhelming odds stacked against them, they refused to accept defeat and turned their struggles into a powerful force for change that would leave a lasting impact on the world.
  • 17、The loss was a catalyst for transformation, as they embarked on a journey of self-reflection and self-improvement, ultimately turning their defeat into a personal triumph.
  • 18、In the face of adversity, she refused to be crushed and instead channeled her pain into a relentless pursuit of excellence, transforming defeat into a powerful motivation to succeed.
  • 19、The defeat served as a wakeup call that prompted them to reassess their goals and aspirations, ultimately leading to a remarkable transformation that turned their lives around.
  • 20、Despite the crushing disappointment, they refused to let failure define them and turned their setback into an opportunity for growth, eventually achieving a level of success they had only dreamed of.
  • 21、The defeat was a turning point in their journey, as they let go of their past mistakes and transformed themselves into courageous individuals who would never settle for anything less than victory.
  • 22、不过谁都没办法,毕竟韩战说得没错,如今没有人可以扭转战局转败为胜
  • 23、天门集团虽然处于下风,却也未必会输,我有着百分之百的把握,能够扭转眼前的劣势,转败为胜
  • 24、李林笑心中一惊,一个月不见,曹阉狗已经转败为胜,当上东厂的督主了。
  • 25、幸亏当时我大胆启用他,转败为胜
  • 26、然后鼠人就会利用佛家的慈悲,乘机再行发难,以如此之法转败为胜,实乃鼠系文明一大幸事。
  • 27、朕带兵多年兵凶战危的道理还是知道的,转胜为败,转败为胜的战役朕也经历过,所以朕也只是听听而已,如今某人的预言已经验证了一半,且看下一半是否准确。
  • 28、倾宣两国交战快十年,最终宣国转败为胜,并能得到齐宜两国支持,想来这位君主定是不一般的,我也甚是好奇,想一睹天子圣颜,便央着师父准我一旁观看。
  • 29、在这场比赛中,我班足球队起初连连失利,但后来改变了攻守战术,终于转败为胜,击败了对方。
  • 30、这次篮球联赛,红队转败为胜,势不可挡,黄队却节节败退,无力回天。
  • 31、老爷子看到孙伯符转败为胜,眼眉都乐开花了,对花员外裳随着他的大笑,一紧一松,很可能下次就“啪”。
  • 32、他经常邀请围棋高手到自己领地藏博上分别对阵,他密切注视各个棋局的进展,发现哪一方形势不利了,就亲自出马,帮助劣势的一方转败为胜
  • 33、如果她没出现,战局瞬息万变,戚乘风如果有什么后手,扭转劣势,转败为胜也不是不可能的。
  • 34、王小帅也赞叹,但是其实心里想着的其实想看看自己女神的转败为胜
  • 35、如勾践以西施重宝取悦夫差,乃可转败为胜
  • 36、林风想要转败为胜,就必须克制住弓万里的罡气才行。
  • 37、所以在关键时刻,能够得到农夫们的拼死报答,转败为胜
  • 38、顿时原本有所不敌的剑流立刻便转败为胜
  • 39、我明白了,伯父,我不会怨天尤人的,一切都是最好的安排,上天给了我一盘残局,我就要走好每一步,收拾残局,转败为胜
  • 40、这个队落后了,但在最后时刻塞姆底线得分转败为胜.
  • 41、百个呼吸之后,张辛气息仍然连绵不断,渐渐转败为胜
  • 42、同样的境界前期基本上被修习法术的人完败,只有达到中后期方能一飞冲天,转败为胜
  • 43、写意毫不客气地一拳挥过去,一瞬间就转败为胜,将静笙反压在地。
  • 44、学生领悟越王勾践之所以能转败为胜,是因为他具备了败不馁,忍辱负重,卧薪尝胆,立志图强的精神。
  • 45、玦哥你最后是怎么转败为胜的?
  • 46、足球场上,虽然面对强手,开场十分不利,但教练员指挥若定,终于转败为胜
  • 47、梁晓声以其人之道,还治其人之身,最终转败为胜了。
  • 48、尤其是他在军事失势之时祈求太姥神救助,圣姥果然托梦指导,神灵护军旅,转败为胜,从此一帆风顺,成就帝王事业,所以他“营祠而酬”。
  • 49、转败为功的近义词有转败为胜、转败为成。
  • 50、但是林峰理智的明白,现在不是考虑这个的时候,因为他要用感觉上还剩下不到三分钟的时间,挽救胖哥,并且转败为胜


转败为胜 zhuǎn bài wéi shèng

西汉 司马迁《史记 管晏列传》:“其为政也,善因祸而为福,转败而为功。”
