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轴对称造句 首页

  • 1、阐述单轴对称截面轴心受压构件弯曲屈曲和弯扭屈曲两种失稳形式,以及绕截面对称轴弯扭屈曲换算长细比的计算方法和应用实例。
  • 2、本文从弹性理论的普遍方程出发,用伴随法求解了轴对称变幅杆的振动模式。
  • 3、Standing at the center of the majestic cathedral, I marveled at the symmetrical grandeur of the towering pillars, as if the weight of the world on each side was perfectly balanced in an axis of symmetry.
  • 4、His artwork was an exquisite display of creativity, with intricate patterns and vibrant colors flowing effortlessly along the canvas, creating a harmonious dance of forms, all perfectly aligned with the concept of symmetry.
  • 5、AsI watched the graceful swans glide across the tranquil lake, their mirrored images reflecting in the still water, I couldn't help but be captivated by the beauty of nature's perfect symmetry.
  • 6、The ancient architecture of the palace showcased remarkable precision and attention to detail, with meticulously sculpted columns, arched doorways, and ornate decorations, all carefully crafted to accentuate the sense of symmetry and elegance.
  • 7、The butterfly hovered delicately above the blooming flowers, its vibrant wings showcasing a mesmerizing display of symmetry, as if nature had meticulously orchestrated each pattern and hue to perfection.
  • 8、The kaleidoscope mesmerized me with its ever-changing symmetrical patterns, each turn of the tube unveiling a new arrangement of vibrant colors and symmetrical shapes, a constant reminder of the beauty in perfect balance.
  • 9、The dancer gracefully moved across the stage, her every movement meticulously choreographed to embody the essence of symmetry, as if her body was an instrument of beauty and balance.
  • 10、The twin sisters, identical in appearance yet unique in personality, exemplified the concept of symmetry, with their shared features and synchronized gestures, serving as a constant reminder of their unbreakable bond.
  • 11、The ornate chandelier hung majestically from the center of the ballroom, its dazzling crystals reflecting light in all directions, each strand meticulously positioned to create a stunning display of symmetry and opulence.
  • 12、The symmetrical patterns on the Tibetan mandala held a deeper meaning, symbolizing the intricate connection between the spiritual and physical realms, inviting contemplation and inner harmony.
  • 13、The houses lined up along the quaint street, their identical facades and perfectly aligned windows creating a sense of symmetry and unity, as if each home was a reflection of its neighbor's soul.
  • 14、The mathematical equation was a testament to the beauty of symmetry, the balance between the variables and constants forming an exquisite dance of precision and logic.
  • 15、The synchronized swimmers elegantly moved through the water, their movements perfectly in tune with each other, each stroke and flip a testament to their commitment to form a symmetrical display of grace and beauty.
  • 16、通过复变函数论的方法,对复合材料圆盘状裂纹的轴对称性扩展问题进行研究。
  • 17、导出了克尔非线性梯度折射率光纤轴对称模传播常数的解析公式。
  • 18、应用无网格伽辽金法对轴对称几何非线性问题进行了分析.
  • 19、在地层非轴对称条件下建立了新型的坐标系,详细介绍了计算电阻率测井响应的三维模式匹配理论。
  • 20、推导了一种中厚壳和薄壳都运用的轴对称壳单元.
  • 21、介绍了轴对称光学非球面镜超精密加工的新方法。
  • 22、热梯度化学气相沉积工艺中避免了等温沉积工艺中预制体表面孔隙过早堵塞的现象,适合制备轴对称的环形、管型件。
  • 23、只有对接近于轴对称的飞行器,俯仰与偏航的耦合才能略去.
  • 24、采用矢量有限元方法计算了任意轴对称谐振腔高阶模的本征频率。
  • 25、本文讨论了由于非轴对称磁场所引起的星体共转区中的磁力线变形。
  • 26、采用极大似然法完成了轴对称飞行器的非线性气动参数辨识。
  • 27、利用量子力学中的基本对称性理论,研究轴对称变形势和非轴对称变形势中能级的简并度与体系对称性的关系。
  • 28、对用这种方法得到的一个轴对称进水口曲面上压力分布,进行了松弛法计算,还对另一个进行了气流模型试验。
  • 29、今天的数学课,老师在讲台上津津有味地给我们讲述"轴对称图形"时,我斜眼瞥同桌,天哪!他竟然在打瞌睡,老师的言语就这样成了催眠曲。这样下去的话,成绩上不了是不言而喻的。
  • 30、研究了空间轴对称横观各向同性圆板和圆环的动力特性.
  • 31、针对脉冲爆震发动机地面启动问题,采用非稳态二维轴对称数值模拟的方法对多循环火箭式脉冲爆震发动机引射模态,即爆震管加直管引射器的引射过程进行了研究。
  • 32、并且,对轴对称充分扩展喷注和共轴喷注分别进行了相应的数值计算。
  • 33、抛弃任何有关位移或应力模式的人为假设,在轴对称情况下导出正交异性体的状态方程。
  • 34、笔者用纹影法对液体环轴对称抛撒首次破碎后期,即首次破碎向二次破碎转化的阶段进行了研究。
  • 35、复变函数论的方法,对复合材料的圆盘状裂纹的轴对称性扩展问题进行研究。
  • 36、研究了一轴对称弹性圆板的混沌运动.
  • 37、本文给出了基于转动惯量主轴确定轴对称物体对称轴的方法。
  • 38、采用五点差分法计算轴对称静电透镜子午面上电位分布,再从普遍轨迹方程求得的电子轨迹出发得到透镜焦点和球差。
  • 39、端头热应力分析的有限元法是属于轴对称实心体的有限元分析。
  • 40、最后,根据参变量有限元二次规划算法,用Fortran90语言编制轴对称应变分析程序,对程序编制过程中的几个要点进行说明。
  • 41、研究非轴对称陀螺体在自激控制力矩作用下的姿态运动.
  • 42、在古希腊建筑中,大型建筑往往依地势而建,并不强调中轴对称和等级思想。
  • 43、对两种对称的线性网络即轴对称和中心对称网络给出了严格的定义。
  • 44、通过建立超磁致伸缩微致动器的2D轴对称模型,利用有限元方法对微致动器的电磁结构进行优化.
  • 45、其次,讨论了典型的轴对称形式的初始几何缺陷对复合材料圆柱壳轴压稳定性的影响。
  • 46、在球面镜周边分布力和力矩的状态下对球面变形为轴对称非球面进行了分析,以抛物面镜为例。
  • 47、用矩阵光学理论对一般非轴对称光学谐振腔进行了研究,得出基模本征解。
  • 48、采用积分方程方法,研究了轴对称细长体后部非定常超空泡问题。


轴对称 zhóuduìchèn

轴对称 如果一个平面图形沿着一条直线折叠后,直线两旁的部分能够互相重合,那么这个图形叫做轴对称图形(a figure has reflectional symmetry),这条直线叫做对称轴(axis of symmetry)。 注:斜放的图形只要能沿一条直线折叠,直线两侧的图形能够互相重合,就是轴对称图形。在轴对称图形中间画一条线,那条线叫对称轴。