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  • 1、唯一的新基准价以FOB价格达成,或是不包含运输成本。
  • 2、这世间许多"非常的成功"是以"非常的手段"达成的,那未动手之前的战略和构想,在一起时,就注定了他们的胜利。
  • 3、After years of hard work and dedication, they finally reached their goal and achieved their dream of opening their own business, a testament to their perseverance and determination.
  • 4、The team's collaboration, dedication, and unwavering commitment to excellence enabled them to achieve their ultimate goal of winning the championship, a well-deserved victory that brought them immense pride and joy.
  • 5、Through open communication, mutual understanding, and compromise, they were able to reach a consensus and achieve a harmonious relationship, fostering an environment of trust and cooperation.
  • 6、Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, their unyielding spirit and unwavering belief in themselves allowed them to overcome all obstacles and achieve what seemed impossible, truly embodying the saying that "where there's a will, there's a way."
  • 7、Through their tireless efforts and relentless pursuit of knowledge, the researchers were able to make groundbreaking discoveries that not only advanced their field but also had a profound impact on society, a remarkable feat that will be remembered for generations to come.
  • 8、Through active listening, empathy, and genuine understanding, they were able to successfully reconcile their differences and reach a resolution, a testament to the power of compassion and open-mindedness in building strong relationships.
  • 9、Through their relentless pursuit of excellence and innovation, they revolutionized the industry and achieved unprecedented success, turning their vision into reality and leaving a lasting impact on the world.
  • 10、By providing equal opportunities and empowering marginalized communities, they were able to bridge the gap between the privileged and the underprivileged, achieving social equality and fostering a society where everyone can thrive.
  • 11、Through their persistent advocacy and tireless efforts, they successfully raised awareness about mental health issues and created a supportive environment, ultimately achieving a society that treats mental health with the same importance as physical health.
  • 12、Their tireless dedication to education and their innovative teaching methods enabled them to reach every student, regardless of their background or abilities, ensuring that every child had the opportunity to receive a quality education and unlock their full potential.
  • 13、By embracing diversity, promoting inclusivity, and celebrating individuality, they were able to create a welcoming and nurturing work environment where everyone could thrive, achieving a true sense of unity and harmony within the organization.
  • 14、Through collaborative research and international cooperation, scientists were able to develop a groundbreaking treatment for a previously incurable disease, bringing hope and relief to countless patients and achieving a major breakthrough in medical science.
  • 15、Despite facing countless rejections and setbacks, their unwavering determination and belief in their talent enabled them to achieve their dream of becoming successful artists, inspiring others to never give up on their passions and pursue their dreams relentlessly.
  • 16、Through their relentless efforts to combat poverty and improve living conditions, they successfully lifted thousands of families out of poverty, achieving a society where everyone has access to basic needs and opportunities for a better life.
  • 17、Through their compassion and dedication, they were able to rescue and rehabilitate countless animals, giving them a second chance at life and ultimately achieving a world where humans coexist harmoniously with all living beings.
  • 18、By fostering a culture of continuous learning and professional development, they were able to empower their employees and reach new heights of success, achieving excellence in their industry and becoming a role model for other organizations.
  • 19、生命里最重要的事情是要有个远大的目标,并借才能与坚毅来达成它。
  • 20、他只说到,我们是天生的城邦动物,为了达成目标,必需要住在城邦之中。
  • 21、和谐不是一把尺子,硬生生地丈量万物,用同一个标准命令世间万物达成量的一致;和谐是一位总揽全局的决策者,抑或说是指挥家,让万事万物各就其位,让它们演泽真实的自己,成就真正的和谐。
  • 22、因本人业与赵钱君达成营业转让协议,并于本年十二月十五日起正式接管该商行,是本人除对上述货款债务予以承受,同意依约履行外,并祈台端一本初衷续予关照,不吝赐教,实所至盼。
  • 23、我纳闷:我和他们之间是不是已经达成一种默契:我对自己的秘密治疗程序只字不提,他们也保持沉默。
  • 24、与此同时我们也已经与美国迪斯尼、上海电信、山东卫视、香港晨讯科技等达成初步的市场合作意向,共同开发项目。
  • 25、他在与***领导的中央达成了妥协以后,又没有及时向陕北靠拢,而是自作聪明地选择了艰难的西征。
  • 26、在最高级会议上对具体建议没有达成协议.
  • 27、知之小工具是一部在线造句词典,其宗旨是让大家更快地造出更优质的句子.
  • 28、一切试图达成谅解的努力都失败了.
  • 29、告诉你使我到达成功的奥秘吧,我惟一的力量就是我的坚持精神。
  • 30、即使是一个佛也会再度被生下来。在他的前世,他已经达成第一种三摩地,但是那个种子仍然存在,他必须再来一次。但这将会是最后一世。
  • 31、用自己的判断和智慧去认识较高等的世界,你就会越来越熟悉高等的生活、高等的想法和高等的力量,你会一天比一天伟大,任何心中所想,内在力量都会帮你达成
  • 32、除了能够加大达成具体交易的可能性,企业界代表们表示,某些部长级外访在开发合同和提高他们可信度方面还带来了更广泛的好处。
  • 33、当我看到你们在前进、在成长,这就是我对存在的感激。它给了我太多,我无以为报;甚至没有语言可以表达这种感激之情。唯一的方式就是我的每一次呼吸都要用来帮助人们达成意识上同样的珠穆朗玛峰。
  • 34、一个人要学会放弃,放弃你不想做的事;一个人要学会选择,选择你喜欢并擅长做的事。只要你在自己的人生道路上,找到适合自己的人生坐标,你就能够充分发挥自己的聪明才智,从而到达成功的彼岸。
  • 35、随著佛朗哥在一九七五年逝世,这似乎是一项各党派达成的共识,好让西班牙把战争和*裁政权置之脑后,而平静地接纳民主政体。
  • 36、他和客户谈笑风生已经一个多小时了,气氛非常和谐,估计他们在生意上已经达成共识。
  • 37、听从自然,跟随自然,不要和自然发生冲突;只要跟随它,很快你将达成一个深深的宁静,只有当一个人变得平凡的时候,它才到来。
  • 38、北京与华盛顿做出的决策与达成的协定,知之小工具将会作为金科玉律直接向世界其它地区传达。
  • 39、它意味着为神而殉难会达成永恒的生命,将会在另一个星球重生,他们虽然失去身体,却得到一个透明的身体:他们不再有属于地面上的部分,但却变成天空的一员:他们从时间中消失,却出现于永恒。
  • 40、雇员们与工会领袖们的意见仍大相径庭,根本无法达成一致或进行妥协。
  • 41、业绩是销售代表的生命,但为达成业绩,置商业道德于不顾、不择手段,是错误的。非荣誉的成功,会为未来种下失败的种子。
  • 42、影片碟中碟系列中的大明星汤姆。克鲁斯已经和包括职业美式足球华盛顿红人队老板在内的一伙人达成了一个协议来投注资金以资助他的电影公司的额外开销。
  • 43、白宫为达成一项有利协议寸步不让。
  • 44、许多忧虑被表达成“现实主义内讧”.
  • 45、因此,他们宁可与公诉人达成辩诉交易,同意就较轻的罪名认罪,以换取减刑。
  • 46、经过法庭调解,双方达成了协议。
  • 47、智力、想像力及知识,都是我们重要的资源。但是,资源本身所能达成的是有限的,惟有有效性才能将这些资源转化为成果。
  • 48、以个人的才能及工作绩效衡量所有人,以一个小团队的状态衡量全社会,从而误判投资回报周期,错估目标达成速度。
  • 49、如果认为自己所有的目标都已达成,那只能说明你的目标还不够远大。
  • 50、而这种自身的下沉就是真正的支持,因为通过这样你到达了你真实的本质。一个寻找思想领域方面支持的人实际上是漂浮在没有支持的空气之中——而一个扔掉所有的支柱的人会达成自身的支持。奥修


达成 dáchéng

1、达到一个目的或实现一个目标,尤指有意识的努力 2、经过商谈取得一致意见 3、纠纷经过努力而得到解决 
达成 达成,指达到;得到;达到一个目的或实现一个目标。多指商谈后得到结果。
