- 1、同时,科学家们也承认对萤火虫评估的迫切性远没有对北极熊和西伯利亚虎那么强。
- 2、文章从其发展现状进行阐述,并在此情况下研究和探讨黔南州苗族摔跤项目的具体发展措施,从而增强人们对推广我国民族体育的迫切性和责任感。
- 3、The urgency of finding a cure for cancer becomes more evident as the number of patients continues to rise, affecting countless lives and families.
- 4、Asthe deadline approaches, the urgency to finish the project intensifies, fueling our team's determination to deliver outstanding results.
- 5、The urgency to address poverty and inequality is magnified when we witness the devastating effects they have on individuals and communities.
- 6、Intimes of crisis, the urgency for effective leadership is paramount, as people look for guidance and reassurance in the face of uncertainty.
- 7、The urgency to combat cybercrime grows as technology advances, posing a significant threat to personal privacy, financial security, and national interests.
- 8、The urgency to invest in sustainable energy sources is underscored by the finite nature of fossil fuels and the detrimental consequences of climate change.
- 9、The urgency to address mental health issues becomes apparent when we consider the devastating impact they can have on individuals, families, and communities.
- 10、The urgency of finding a solution to the global refugee crisis cannot be overstated, as millions of innocent lives are at stake, fleeing conflict and persecution.
- 11、The urgency to eliminate food insecurity is profound, as millions of people around the world struggle to access nutritious meals, leading to malnutrition and health complications.
- 12、The urgency to protect and preserve our natural resources becomes critical as we witness the rapid depletion of forests, pollution of waters, and extinction of species.
- 13、The urgency to prioritize sustainable transportation options becomes evident when we understand the detrimental effects of excessive carbon emissions on the environment and human health.
- 14、The urgency to prevent the spread of infectious diseases is imperative, as they can rapidly escalate into global pandemics, causing widespread suffering and loss of life.
- 15、The urgency to address the global water crisis is paramount, considering the scarcity of clean and accessible water, which affects basic hygiene, health, and livelihoods.
- 16、知之小工具在线造句词典-造句大全,几千词语的造句供您参考哦!
- 17、有限度的旅游允许应该要实行,这个政策有著极高的迫切性.
- 18、他不考虑这件事的迫切性而断然拒绝了,不留一些余地。
- 19、那场洪水,让大家意识到了重新筑堤的重要性和迫切性.
- 20、他恳切地提揭出在医疗体制急待改善、消费主义风潮盛行的现实社会中,医学的伦理教育的重要性与迫切性。
- 21、因此网络生产力研究具有现实的迫切性.
- 22、其中直隶总督兼北洋大臣李鸿章的《筹议海防折》最令人瞩目,也确能反映出海军海防问题在当时的重要性和迫切性。
- 23、其中李鸿章的《筹议海防折》最令人瞩目,充分陈述了海军海防问题在当时的重要性和迫切性。
- 24、当今社会研究的现实迫切性甚至超过对癌症的研究.
- 25、社会养老保障体制改革的使企业年金制度建设的迫切性更加突出,商业保险具有巨大的发展空间。
- 26、在盛世发危言不求耸动视听,而是主张从危机中感受改革的迫切性,在盛世中抓住改革最佳机遇。
- 27、在市场经济条件下,加强思想政治教育的迫切性,在成*高校已经形成共识。
- 28、秘书长先生,我们今天在这里举行会议之际,好消息是:经过这么多年的无所作为与拒不承认以后,人们最终对我们面临挑战的迫切性有了普遍认识。
- 29、此外,由于油价徘徊在每桶95美元的水平以及亚洲能源需求超过新增供应量,因此加紧勘探的迫切性不断增强,更多冲突由此产生。
- 30、第二部分,介绍了我国典当业的立法现状,详细解析了其中存在的问题,可见完善中国典当业立法的必要性和迫切性。
- 31、在这种情况下,旨在增进世卫组织和国际社会应对突发公共卫生事件的能力方面的建议就更加具有迫切性。
- 32、因此学习和研究世界历史的重要性、迫切性更加凸显.
- 33、分析了煤气发生炉煤气在陶瓷行业应用的可行性与迫切性,对煤制气在陶瓷行业的应用进行了论述和分析。
- 34、因此,中间业务的发展在我国具有迫切性和必要性。
- 35、从解决电机壳铸件铸造机械化的迫切性入手,介绍了气冲气推成型触头造型机制造电机壳铸型的成型过程及其实砂效果。
- 36、而在运用报刊作文学研究时,有关资料掌握的问题,更凸显出文学史料数位化典藏的重要与迫切性。
- 37、当日上午,著名文学评论家李建军来到内蒙古大学南校区报告厅,进行了以“迫切性问题与当代文学的境遇”为主题的演讲。
- 38、介绍废石膏处理的迫切性及回收的新工艺.