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  • 1、用户可通过策略描述语言确定局部优化时参数提取的步骤和流程。
  • 2、它既是一种标准通用置标语言,又是一种文本描述语言。
  • 3、Asthe sunset painted the sky with hues of fiery orange and soft lilac, casting a mesmerizing glow over the landscape, a sense of serene tranquility settled within her heart, allowing her to reflect on the beauty and vastness of the world, feeling connected to something greater than herself.
  • 4、The storm raged on outside, raindrops pelting against the windowpane like tiny drums, thunder rumbling in the heavens, creating an awe-inspiring symphony of nature's might and reminding her of the earth's raw power and unpredictability.
  • 5、The ballet dancer leapt across the stage with graceful precision, her movements ethereal and light as a feather, captivating the audience with every delicate step, evoking a sense of wonder and admiration for the artistry and dedication behind her performance.
  • 6、The scent of blooming flowers filled the garden, a sweet and intoxicating fragrance that transported her to a world of blissful serenity, where worries and troubles melted away, replaced by a profound sense of peace and tranquility.
  • 7、The writer crafted sentences like a skilled tapestry weaver, intertwining words and emotions with expert precision, transporting readers to far-off realms brimming with adventure, love, and heartache, leaving an indelible mark on their souls.
  • 8、The scent of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the cozy café, enveloping her in a cocoon of sensory pleasure, the rich aroma awakening her senses and providing a comforting sense of familiarity and warmth amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
  • 9、With a fervent passion burning in his eyes and determination etched on his face, he pursued his dreams relentlessly, undeterred by the obstacles that stood in his way, a testament to his unwavering resolve and unwavering belief in his abilities.
  • 10、The symphony of waves crashing against the shore, harmonizing with the gentle whispers of the wind, created a symphony of nature's beauty, a timeless melody that reminded her of the vastness and wonder of the universe.
  • 11、The scent of rain on dry earth filled the air after a long summer drought, a refreshing aroma that rejuvenated both the land and the soul, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always the promise of renewal and rebirth.
  • 12、The sound of a baby's laughter filled the room, a pure and infectious peal of joy that touched the hearts of all who heard it, reminding them of the beauty and innocence that resides in the world, even in the midst of chaos and uncertainty.
  • 13、The sound of distant thunder reverberated through the night, a deep and rumbling resonance that filled her with a mix of awe and trepidation, a reminder of the immense power and unpredictability of nature.
  • 14、课程目标,数字逻辑,硬件描述语言。
  • 15、听懂有两种含义,一种是将这种口述语言逐词逐句地转换为相应地书面语言,第二种则是对口述语言中所包含的要求或询问做出正确的响应。
  • 16、一般说来,一个合乎文法的子句包含有主语与述语.
  • 17、它能作为定义数据描述语言的语言,例如标记语法或词汇、交换格式和通讯协议。
  • 18、介绍了利用VHDL硬件描述语言结合FPGA可编程器件进行数字钟的设计,并通过数码管驱动电路动态显示计时结果。
  • 19、论文探讨了如何将可视化建模语言UML和形式化描述语言Z集成而得到一种新的求精方法,寻求一种在软件体系结构求精过程中UML到Z的映射与转换机制。
  • 20、本文提出激发极化差异效应和激电差的概念并给出定义,首次使用“差异激电法”这一述语
  • 21、英语中有三种语气,即陈述语气,祈使语气和虚拟语气.
  • 22、生活是陈述语气,而不是虚拟语气。多关心事物的现实情况,别总考虑事物可能但并未出现的情况。
  • 23、净手并烘热,用温暖洁净的手轻微基础被催眠者的皮肤表面,从其额部,两颊到双手,按照同一方向反复地,缓慢地,均匀地慢慢移动,同时可使用上述语言暗示。
  • 24、比如说鲁迅小说的叙述语言冷峻严正,孙犁小说语言则淡泊平缓,王蒙语言灵动洒脱,邓友梅的语言老到深厚,张承志的语言富丽堂皇,何立伟的语言精巧韶秀……如此等等。
  • 25、根据述补结构中充当述语的成分的性质,述补结构可以分为动补结构和形补结构。
  • 26、涟源方言的处置句中有多项介词短语位于主语和述语之间。
  • 27、这部著作堪称精美厚重的散文力作,通俗晓畅的叙述语言、独出机杼的历史发现、深入浅出的评论解读,使得该书既具有学理性、更具有可读性。
  • 28、在英语中有3种语气:陈述语气,祈使语气和虚拟语气.
  • 29、由于书写技术的突破,亚拉姆人,最终会看见他们的语言,亚拉姆语排挤掉古代的亚述语
  • 30、主语和名词性述语之间必须用连系动词连接,连系动词也称为系动词.
  • 31、本文就设备描述语言这一现场总线核心技术展开研究,研究工作结合HART协议通信器的研发展开。
  • 32、素印封面:装订用述语。指不用油墨或色印凹纹或凸纹于书壳或书皮上。
  • 33、所有这些有关文体和体裁的蠢话,只是风马牛不相及的胡扯知之小工具,多半是枯燥无味、玩弄述语的评论.
  • 34、这个领域中的一种事实标准描述语言是WSDL,创建该语言的目的是给服务的接口和实现提供一个抽象层。
  • 35、《走向和谐》汲取以往电视理论文献片的成功之道,同时力避前车之鉴,摒弃说教与直白,不懈地探索创新的电视叙述语言和描写手段,陈言务去,新意迭来。
  • 36、个别作家所可能具有的任何特性,都是作为基本特性的一部分而存在的,这种更基本的特性为与该作家属于同一阶级、同一地区、同一民族和同一代的人所共有。本书最重要的部分是作者对他那一代人不断发展的文学形势的叙述与分析,他所使用的独特方法和妙趣横生的叙述语言恐怕也是令人感兴趣的。扬之水
  • 37、本文在简述语音采集压缩卡的硬件体系结构的基础上,重点阐述了驱动程序中多卡管理和内存映射的实现。


述语 shùyǔ

1.谓叙述语。 2.即谓语。
述语 述语又称“动语”,是用来指出跟宾语依存共现成分的句法成分,述语表示行为动作。