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  • 1、方法对50例肺部感染住院患者随机分为两组,以肺部湿罗音消退时间和退热时间作为考核指标进行临床应用观察。
  • 2、鲜荷叶绿豆百合汤清润鲜甜,有清暑退热益气之功,为辅助治疗小儿夏季热的汤饮。
  • 3、Despite the burning fever that engulfed her, she mustered the strength to continue working on her novel, determined to finish it before her deadline.
  • 4、The sweltering heat of the summer sun evaporated with a single dose of the miracle drug, leaving me cool and revived, ready to take on the world.
  • 5、Asthe doctor applied the cold compress to his forehead, the fever slowly receded, and relief washed over him, restoring his energy and vitality.
  • 6、The scorching pain in her body was alleviated by the gentle touch of her mother, who tirelessly nursed her back to health and banished the fever that had plagued her for days.
  • 7、Inthe throes of a high fever, she lay on her bed like a wilted flower, but with the help of the doctor's prescribed medication, she blossomed with renewed vigor, leaving the fever behind.
  • 8、With the help of herbal remedies and natural remedies, she fought off the fever that threatened to consume her, emerging victorious, stronger than ever.
  • 9、The feverish child tossed and turned restlessly in his bed, but the gentle bedtime story read by his mother eased his discomfort and carried him into a peaceful sleep.
  • 10、The throbbing pain in his temples gradually subsided as he took the last dose of the fever-reducing medication, a tangible sign that his body was finally winning the battle against the illness.
  • 11、Asthe herbal tea coursed through her veins, she felt a sense of calm wash over her, as if the fever that had raged inside her had found its peaceful demise.
  • 12、Like a warrior battling on the frontlines, he fought valiantly against the relentless fever, refusing to succumb to its debilitating effects, and emerged as the victor in the battle for his health.
  • 13、The relentless fever had drained her of her energy and vitality, but with the help of her loved ones and the prescribed medication, she regained her strength and emerged from the long, dark tunnel with a renewed zest for life.
  • 14、As the fever subsided, her contagious laughter filled the room, erasing the gloom that had settled during her illness and bringing joy and lightness to all those around her.
  • 15、The fever that had tormented her for days was reduced to nothing more than a faint memory, as she stood tall and strong, ready to face life's challenges head-on, unburdened by the weight of her sickness.
  • 16、With every step forward she took, the lingering effects of the fever diminished, replaced by an undeniable resilience and a profound appreciation for the fragility of life and the strength of the human spirit.
  • 17、The relentless fever had tested his endurance, but it had also revealed his unyielding determination and unbreakable spirit, leaving him stronger and more resilient than ever before.
  • 18、目前常用的退热药是解热镇痛药类药物,通过使人体皮肤血管扩张、血流增加,大量出汗促使散热,还可以抑制寒战哆嗦,使人体产热减少进而降温。
  • 19、结论院外抗生素、激素、退热药的使用存在滥用现象,需要进一步规范儿童呼吸道感染的临床用药。
  • 20、退热药副作用大,非万不得已不用。
  • 21、时代的变迁,生死的轮回,历史长河滔滔,积淀下无尽的爱恨情愁。随着光阴的流逝,爱会退热,恨会淡化,情会漠然;愁,更会深埋尘埃。徜徉于历史的长河,唯有希望得以曼延。
  • 22、退热药物最好交替使用,退热药。
  • 23、刺激外关能调动阳维脉的主阳功能,“阳主表证”,所以刺激外关可以高效率地解表退热,对治疗感冒非常有效。
  • 24、强生召回婴幼儿退热药,退热药。
  • 25、而去年孟加拉超过二十名儿童因为服下退热净而亡.
  • 26、感冒的多发期,每年平均小孩感冒约5-8次,成*约2-5次。感冒了不就诊去药店买一些退热止痛药、抗菌素或中药来治疗?其实感冒用药是有很多学问的。
  • 27、布洛芬和对乙酰氨基酚是儿科广泛应用的退热药,其安全性和有效性得到全球医生的公认。
  • 28、特别是在背部大椎与身柱两个穴位的拔罐,可以迅速帮孩子退热
  • 29、淡豆豉主要用于配药,较少用于日常食用,有退热作用的药物就是指淡豆豉。
  • 30、包括阿司匹林系列、磺胺脒、盐酸酮哌酯、退热冰等.
  • 31、功效:能消炎退热和清除皮肤斑点.
  • 32、结论:癌性发热患者,有往来寒热一症者,可应用小柴胡汤进行退热
  • 33、《本草经疏》对枸杞子之功效作过较全面的论述:枸杞子,润而滋补,兼能退热,而专于补肾、润肺、生津、益气,为肝肾真阴不足、劳乏内热补益之要药。
  • 34、监测结果还显示,上海近四成*把抗生素当退热药,一年反而要多生几次病。
  • 35、盲目的给宝宝吃退热药和消炎药只会掩盖宝宝的病情对治疗没有好处,反而会延误治疗。
  • 36、宝宝生病发烧用什么方法退热最快最好?
  • 37、小寒降临大寒不远,天寒地冻出行受阻,帽子围巾一个不少,口罩手套一个不丢,全副武装护你过冬,寒冷击不退热情的关心,祝小寒节气心里暖暖!
  • 38、专家认为,这是因为白茶中含有多种氨基酸,具有退热、祛暑、解毒的功效。
  • 39、合谷穴具有解表退热、理气止痛的作用。
  • 40、近日,据央视曝光一种名为尼美舒利的解热镇痛药,可能导致多名儿童死亡,成了“夺命退热药”。
  • 41、上海近四成*拿抗生素当退热药,一年反而要多生几次病。
  • 42、感冒发烧时,无论是服用退热药还是自然退热,都是以出汗的形式来实现的,人体在发汗散热的同时会丢失大量水分及盐分。
  • 43、现代科学研究也证明,苦味蔬菜中含有丰富的具有消暑、退热、除烦、提神及健胃功能的生物碱、氨基酸、苦味素、维生素及矿物质。


退热 tuìrè

退热 退热:又称退烧,指体温回到正常水平的一个过程。