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  • 1、渐渐的,罗天旭感到独力难支,对手显然接受了刚才的教训,招招狠辣,想要速战速决了。
  • 2、为了避免夜长梦多,枫雪果断下令速战速决
  • 3、Inthe face of an approaching storm, the captain resolved to take a swift and decisive course of action to ensure the safety of his crew and navigate the ship to calmer waters.
  • 4、Faced with a challenging deadline, the team leader quickly mobilized her colleagues and implemented a streamlined approach to ensure the project was completed successfully and on time.
  • 5、Determined to overcome the obstacles in their path, the young couple made a swift decision to sell their possessions and travel the world, embracing the unknown and reclaiming their sense of adventure.
  • 6、Inthe face of a sudden economic crisis, the government swiftly implemented a series of measures to stabilize the market, restore confidence, and alleviate the burden on the most vulnerable members of society.
  • 7、Faced with an unexpected illness, the patient and his family wasted no time in seeking multiple medical opinions, determined to find a speedy resolution and regain their health.
  • 8、Inthe midst of a heated debate, the moderator had to exercise sound judgment and make a rapid decision to restore order and maintain a constructive and respectful dialogue among the participants.
  • 9、With unwavering determination and a clear vision in mind, the young artist made a bold decision to abandon their stable career and pursue their passion for painting, leading to a flourishing artistic journey.
  • 10、The fearless firefighter, driven by a deep sense of duty, swiftly entered the burning building, risking their own safety to rescue those in need and bring about a swift end to the raging fire.
  • 11、In the midst of a heated argument, the couple realized the importance of communication and made a quick decision to attend couples therapy, determined to rebuild their relationship and find common ground.
  • 12、The seasoned negotiator, with years of experience under their belt, swiftly assessed the situation and came to a decisive resolution, bringing harmony and understanding to the conflicting parties.
  • 13、Faced with a difficult financial situation, the family convened an emergency meeting and made a collective decision to downsize their lifestyle, cutting unnecessary expenses and focusing on their priorities.
  • 14、Determined to break free from the shackles of addiction, the individual made a swift decision to seek professional help and embark on a journey of recovery, reclaiming their life and finding newfound hope.
  • 15、In the midst of a global pandemic, the government implemented a series of swift measures to curb the spread of the virus, protect public health, and ensure a speedy return to normalcy.
  • 16、Driven by an unwavering desire for self-improvement, the student made a quick decision to enroll in additional courses and engage in extracurricular activities, seizing every opportunity for personal growth.
  • 17、The dedicated coach, recognizing the potential of the talented athlete, made a speedy decision to recruit them into the team, paving the way for a successful athletic career and a bright future.
  • 18、Faced with a sudden financial setback, the entrepreneur quickly adapted their business strategy, exploring new markets and innovative approaches to overcome the challenges and achieve sustainable growth.
  • 19、担任承保的中华联合财险公司湖北公司积极支持,迅速决定按照旅游意外伤亡的最高赔付额20万元进行理赔,不计手续、立即支付。
  • 20、那时,我妹妹在伦敦读新闻学院,她迅速决定退学。
  • 21、然而这些持久战,知之小工具只是帮助而并不妨碍主力红军的速决战。
  • 22、不惹事不代表怕事,何况他也不是没见过世面的主,既已决定动手那就得速战速决,最近的那人首当其冲成为他杀鸡骇猴的鸡。
  • 23、在敌强我弱的情况下,必须采取叙述中优势兵力,速战速决的战术。
  • 24、再如《射雕英雄传》中速战速决,源自孙子的“故兵闻拙速,未睹巧之久也。
  • 25、游击队的同志们不和敌军耗下去,直接采用速战速决的方法,打的敌人手忙脚乱,晕头转向。
  • 26、这几年,我不是在斗里,就是在去斗里的路上,一直都没空想那事儿,就算偶尔纾解纾解也是速战速决——开玩笑,撸着撸着跳出个粽子,就算你是闷油瓶也硬不起来。千宫一夜
  • 27、这次活动,咱们速战速决,争取一个小时搞完。
  • 28、毕竟对于病人来说,速战速决的方式较为尽情尽理。
  • 29、抓住时机并快速决策是现代企业成功的关键。
  • 30、为了这些理由,不能不实行速决战.
  • 31、见弘历如此赞同,田文镜也有些激动起来,他指着图纸给弘历介绍着,可能是语速决了些有些气喘吁吁,跟着就呛咳起来,紧接着一口鲜血喷薄欲出。
  • 32、挑剔的美国人可能倾向于速战速决.
  • 33、拿破仑期盼着的速决速胜迟迟没有发生。
  • 34、为了实行速决,一般应不打驻止中之敌,而打运动中之敌。
  • 35、杨兆德喜从心生,原本还想着自己施展道法去给慕云封眼,如今听师兄这么一说,也就等于多了一个得力的帮手,如此一来,他索性顺水推舟,想着速战速决
  • 36、这场战争必须速战速决,尽量兵不血刃。
  • 37、期限快到了,我们必须快刀斩乱麻,速战速决
  • 38、他既然要速战速决,就不会让我们有机会拖宕,而且……
  • 39、应对突发事件的方法:提前决定,矛盾公开;确认权威,合理行动;借人借势,速战速决
  • 40、林益世家族贪污洗钱案,明年1月14日起,将每周开庭3天,速审速决
  • 41、案子移送到广州府,钟英速审速决,判了他个连续贪污军品,影响战力,斩监候。
  • 42、我们做什么工作,都不要拖泥带水,应该速战速决
  • 43、这场战役应该是速战速决,基本没什么伤亡。
  • 44、你速战速决快点离开这里,知道吗,理察?
  • 45、前面说到如果庄飞只是一个人面对苏兰特的话会选择速战速决,而现在庄飞的身边可是跟着艾尔莎呢,以艾尔莎的实力庄飞可不认为艾尔莎会在一边束手旁观。
  • 46、我方现场指挥立即下达了速战速决的命令,撤离到100米处,并前往设伏地点增援。
  • 47、抱怨是解决不了任何问题的,与其唉声叹气纠结个没完,不如直面痛苦速战速决。饶雪漫
  • 48、我军采取速战速决的战术,全歼敌军。
  • 49、在对日抗战期间,因为我方采取坚壁清野的战略,让日军苦于输援,而无法速战速决
  • 50、这场战斗打得漂亮,我军速战速决,全歼敌军。


速决 sùjué

速决 速决,汉语词汇。 拼音:sù jué 释义:迅速地决定;迅速地解决。
