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造物者造句 首页

  • 1、每一个人,纵然缺点一身,但必然有一些地方是长于他人的,那是你区别与他人的标记,也是造物者公平的地方,就看你能否找到这些标记。韩寒
  • 2、宇宙中总是会存在着随之而来的新文明,造物者们从未放弃过生命的创造。
  • 3、The creator of the universe, with an unmatched artistic genius, painted the sky with vibrant hues of pink and orange during the breathtaking sunset, leaving us in awe of the beauty around us.
  • 4、The skilled craftsman, known as the creator, meticulously molded the intricate details of each flower petal, delicately adorning the garden with a brilliant tapestry of colors and fragrances.
  • 5、With the power of imagination and creativity, the ultimate creator skillfully crafted the unique talents and abilities of every living being, reminding us of the infinite possibilities that lie within each one of us.
  • 6、Inthe depths of the ocean, the creator artistically sculpted mesmerizing coral reefs, adorning them with an array of vibrant marine life, reminding us of the interconnectedness and beauty of all living creatures.
  • 7、The ultimate creator, with boundless love and compassion, tenderly fashioned the intricate features of a newborn baby, wrapping them in a blanket of innocence and potential, a testament to the miracle of life.
  • 8、The creator, with a vision as vast as the universe itself, skillfully assembled the celestial bodies, painting the night sky with awe-inspiring constellations, guiding lost souls and igniting dreams.
  • 9、With the gentle whisper of the wind, the ultimate creator orchestrates a symphony of nature, the rustling leaves, chirping birds, and flowing rivers blending harmoniously to create a melody that resonates in our souls.
  • 10、The imaginative creator transformed shards of broken dreams and lost hopes into stunning works of art, instilling hope and inspiration into the hearts of those who gaze upon them.
  • 11、From the tiniest grain of sand to the towering ancient trees, the creator sculpted every element of the Earth, a testament to the divinity and intricate beauty that surrounds us.
  • 12、With the loving touch of the creator, the barren desert blooms into an oasis, offering a sanctuary of life and renewal, reminding us of the power of transformation and resilience.
  • 13、The ultimate creator, with a palette of colors at their disposal, paints a breathtaking rainbow across the sky, a symbol of hope and promise that bridges the gap between heaven and earth.
  • 14、With every beat of our hearts, we bear witness to the creator's meticulous craftsmanship, a constant reminder of the fragile yet infinite beauty of life.
  • 15、The creator's divine touch is evident in the mesmerizing dance of fireflies on a summer's night, as they illuminate the darkness with a gentle glow, creating a magical spectacle that fills our hearts with joy.
  • 16、In the golden rays of dawn, the creator awakens the slumbering world, painting the horizon with warmth and light, reminding us of the endless possibilities that each new day brings.
  • 17、The majestic wildlife roaming the vast African plains serve as a testament to the creator's originality and grace, reminding us to cherish and protect the precious diversity of life.
  • 18、IamwhatIam,我永远都爱这样的我,快乐是快乐的方式不止一种,最荣幸是谁都是造物者的光荣,不用闪躲为我喜欢的生活而活,不用粉墨就站在光明的角落。张国荣
  • 19、中国人丑得像造物者偷工减料的结果,潦草塞责的丑;西洋人丑像造物者恶意的表现,存心跟脸上五官开玩笑,所以丑得有计划、有作用。钱钟书
  • 20、在那个光带的上方是“上层的光带,”再上去是造物者能量本身。
  • 21、全书以神州大地为背景,讲述造物者盘古女娲的艰难回归,讲述开天辟地,生命的来之不易,揭示了天圆地方非无稽,秦始皇为何焚书坑儒……许多的秘密。
  • 22、不相信造物者的存在,是人类能遇到的最严重的、最具伤害性的软弱情感。
  • 23、每一周期让越来越多的造物者们铸造更多的铸物者,并变得对类似的境况迷失。
  • 24、雁荡之胜名天下,盖自玄黄开辟,造物者极神工鬼斧之奇秘,其灵迹迨宋僧全了始发。
  • 25、且夫天地之间,物各有主,苟非吾之所有,虽一毫而莫取。惟江上之清风,与山间之明月,耳得之而为声,目遇之而成色,取之无禁,用之不竭。是造物者之无尽藏也,而吾与子之所共适。苏轼
  • 26、人生世上,只须合眼放步,以听造物者之低昂而已。蒲松龄
  • 27、而真正做到忘己的君王,我们称他与造物者、与大自然是一体而不分轩轾的。
  • 28、沿着立雾溪的峡谷风景线行,触目所及皆是峭壁、断崖、峡谷、连绵曲折的山洞隧道等风光,游人无不赞叹造物者之鬼斧神工。
  • 29、周末,盘山之上,树木葱郁,风景怡人,禾米陶醉在水光山色之间,感叹造物者之神奇,感谢学长之邀请。
  • 30、而鲲鹏展翅的道家,其精神是与造物者游的。
  • 31、天堂鸟是花中动物,它其实不是花,乃是因为某个特殊且不可原谅的理由,被造物者罚为一只不能飞的鸟,禁锢于花族之中。
  • 32、人类先天就要有一种对善美的追求,对生命的歌颂和对造物者的佩服。越是善良的灵魂,越是对造物者有至高的敬意。
  • 33、眼前的白色晶球绝对是造物者鬼斧神工,独具匠心炼制而成的,除了造物者之外游云枫在也找不到任何理由去解释一系列的事情。
  • 34、初次造人,我们这位学徒期的造物者,倒也考虑过民主,但他先前容受民主只是事非得已,他肯定必定别人也是如此……
  • 35、所谓天才,当是如此。造物者,总是给那些聪颖之人,赋予超凡的灵性。但也因他们的慧心,结下许多无由的愁烦与莫名的疼痛。白落梅
  • 36、昔多松柏心,今皆桃李色。愿言造物者,回此天地力。
  • 37、看到最怪诞、最荒唐、甚至神话式的生物,也不会使我惊骇到这种程度。造物者手中造出来的东西怎么出奇,也容易了解。现在一下子看到那种不可能的事竟是奥妙地由人的双手实现的,那就不能不使人感到十分惊讶了!
  • 38、宇宙中总是会存在著随之而来的新文明,造物者们从未放弃过生命的创造。
  • 39、也许正是因为这一原因,是有如此多“迷失”或“错放”的造物要收集起来,其中有一些甚至自从时间开始的那一刻起,自我们作为造物者的第一个收缩周期以来,就一直存在。
