- 1、卡尔桑迪的研究小组进一步发现骨吸收过程创造出了一种酸性环境从而将骨钙蛋白转变为一种“积极”体,这种“积极”体能够脱离骨骼而进入血液循环。
- 2、成纤维细胞还能合成弹性纤维和真皮基质。真皮基质由糖胺聚糖和酸性粘多糖组成。
- 3、The taste of the lemon was so tangy and refreshing, it instantly reminded me of the vivid and invigorating world of acids.
- 4、The acrid smell of vinegar filled the air, evoking memories of my grandmother's secret recipe for pickles that always left everyone craving more.
- 5、The acidic raindrops fell from the sky, corroding the concrete buildings and reminding us of the impact human activities have on the environment.
- 6、The sour taste of unripe strawberries reminded me of the complexities of life, where not everything turns out as sweet as we hope.
- 7、She had a sharp and sarcastic tongue, always ready to deliver acid-tongued comments that left others feeling hurt and insecure.
- 8、The acidic comment she made about my appearance cut deep, leaving me questioning my self-worth and feeling a pang of sadness.
- 9、Just like the bitter taste of grapefruit, life sometimes throws unexpected challenges our way, testing our resilience and strength.
- 10、The acidic remarks exchanged during the heated argument only worsened the already strained relationship between the two friends.
- 11、Her acidic sense of humor always kept everyone on their toes, never knowing what humorous remark she would make next.
- 12、The acid raindrops falling on the barren land symbolized the devastating consequences of deforestation and pollution on nature's delicate balance.
- 13、The sour aroma of lemons filled the kitchen as she squeezed them to make lemonade, bringing a refreshing and revitalizing touch to the hot summer day.
- 14、The bitter taste of betrayal remained in my mouth long after the painful realization that my closest friend had deceived me.
- 15、The sharp and acidic taste of passion fruit combined with the sweet notes of mango created a perfect balance of flavors that danced on my palate.
- 16、The biting words she spoke in anger left an indelible mark on our friendship, eroding the trust we had built over the years.
- 17、Despite the acidic comments thrown at her by the critics, she remained resilient and determined to prove them wrong.
- 18、The acidic knowledge that her loved ones had been keeping a painful secret from her gnawed at her heart, creating a sense of betrayal and disappointment.
- 19、The sour taste of defeat only fueled her determination to prove herself and come back stronger in the next competition.
- 20、碱性戊二醛对脊髓灰质炎病毒的灭活效果比酸性戊二醛强.
- 21、动力学分析表明,磷酸饥饿提高了番茄幼苗根部的酸性磷酸酶对其底物的亲和力。
- 22、玉米收获后,土壤转化酶、脲酶均高于播前或与播前相当,而酸性磷酸酶活性则低于播前。
- 23、结果表明这三支酸性染料用于羊毛织物染色时,具有较高湿处理牢度及较高的日晒牢度。
- 24、焊缝力学性能酸性焊材差于碱性焊材.
- 25、活性染料染锦纶色泽较鲜艳,染色牢度尤其日晒牢度较好,且可与中性染料、弱酸性染料拼染,因此,色谱的选择范围较大。
- 26、强酸性食品:蛋黄、奶酪、白糖做的西点或柿子、乌鱼子、柴鱼等.
- 27、测定了改性羊毛、羊毛和羊绒的性能,以及弱酸性染料、中性染料、活性染料在改性羊毛、羊毛和羊绒上的上染速率。
- 28、有机锡的路易斯酸性质可以形成加合物。
- 29、提出的含硫化物*废石场治理方法不仅根治了酸性水,也治理了放射性污染。
- 30、他说道,血腥玛丽内的化学物质属于“高度不稳定型”,而且因为西红柿汁中存在着酸性物质,这种酒很容易变质。
- 31、可乐中的活跃成份就是含磷的酸性物质.
- 32、在不同酸性土壤悬液中,土壤悬液酸性降低,根瘤菌数目随之减少.
- 33、本文研究了用酸性硫脲溶液从铜阳极泥中浸取金的方法.
- 34、对攀钢高炉大规模使用钒钛酸性氧化球团矿工业试验与生产实践进行了总结,结果表明,用钒钛球团矿大规模代替钒钛烧结矿试验与生产是成功的。
- 35、通过这种处理,在中和沉淀渣的小颗粒上形成完全的铁酸盐包复膜,在弱酸性条件下重金属离子不再浸出。
- 36、本文提出了一种酸性镀锡液中游离硫酸含量的测定方法.
- 37、以强酸性阳离子交换树脂为催化剂,对环戊烯水合制环戊醇反应的本征动力学进行了研究。
- 38、知之小工具是一部在线造句词典,其宗旨是让大家更快地造出更优秀的句子.
- 39、嗜铬细胞瘤的胞浆染色通常是嗜酸性的.
- 40、酸性淋滤作用是风化壳剖面上REE富集分异的主要控制因素。
- 41、本区岩浆岩非常发育,主要为中酸性岩浆岩,以江里沟斑状黑云母花岗岩和江里沟斑状花岗闪长岩为代表。
- 42、珍珠菜属植物主要含有黄酮类、三萜皂苷类、酸性成分等,药理作用表明其具有清热利湿、活血化瘀、解毒消痈、抗菌消炎等作用。
- 43、目的:观察小陷胸汤配伍左金丸对酸性反流性食管炎大鼠的疗效。
- 44、该衍生物具有弱酸性,在弱碱中稳定。
- 45、试验中用无磷纯铜代替了含磷铜棒作为酸性镀铜内阳极,并给出了阳极反应的特点与控制方法。
- 46、本文探讨了使用硫化亚铁治理含砷酸性废水的新方法,实验结果表明此法除砷效果显著,具有实用价值。
- 47、嗜酸性脂膜炎是一种较难确诊的具有多种临床表现的疾病.
- 48、我们用一条石蕊试纸来试验这液体是不是酸性的.
- 49、冬季养生4:6:一、主食与副食的比例是4:6;二、细粮与粗粮的比例是4:6;三、酸性与碱性的比例是4:6;四、荤与素的比例是4:6。
- 50、通过菌落形态比较、抗生素抗性鉴定、耐热性和耐酸性比较、生长速率对比的分析,可确定其为真正的融合细胞。