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重聚造句 首页

  • 1、又是一年九月九,遍插茱萸喝美酒。去年兄弟同登高,携手共祝父母寿。如今身在外地心已归,只盼兄弟重聚首。一条短信送祝福,愿你身体健健康康,幸福长长久久!
  • 2、离别不代表永久的分隔,离别只是一种追求的起点。在夕阳落下的地方,我们挥手说再会;在朝阳升起的平线,我们会再次惊喜的重聚
  • 3、After years of separation and longing, our family finally had a joyful reunion filled with tears of happiness and laughter that echoed through the corridors of our hearts.
  • 4、Asthe sun set on the horizon, reuniting with my significant other brought a sense of completeness and a newfound hope that love truly has the power to bridge any distance.
  • 5、The sound of childhood laughter and the familiar aroma of home-cooked meals filled the air as old friends came together, proving that time and distance could never break the bonds of friendship.
  • 6、With tears of joy streaming down our faces, we embraced each other tightly, cherishing the irreplaceable moments of rediscovery, knowing that this reunion was a testament to the strength of our unbreakable sibling bond.
  • 7、Asthe music filled the room, we danced and twirled, relishing in the euphoria of reunion, our bodies moving in perfect synchrony, as if time had stood still since our last encounter.
  • 8、Through the thick and thin of life's journey, our reunion became a celebration of resilience, reminding us that no matter how tough the road may be, the power of unity will always guide us back to each other.
  • 9、Standing side by side, hand in hand, we faced the challenges that life had thrown our way, knowing that our reunion was a testament to our unwavering determination and faith in one another.
  • 10、The melodies of our long-lost songs intertwined with our laughter, filling the room with nostalgia and reminding us of the unbreakable bond we shared, as if time had paused for our reunion.
  • 11、With a collective sigh of relief, we knew that our reunion marked a new beginning, a fresh chapter filled with endless possibilities and the promise of creating beautiful memories together once again.
  • 12、The long-awaited hug enveloped us with a sense of belonging and rejuvenation, as if all the pieces of our fragmented hearts had finally found their rightful place in this long-awaited reunion.
  • 13、Each embrace felt like a thousand affirmations of loyalty and love, as our tears mingled with joy, transcending language barriers and reminding us that love truly had no bounds in this extraordinary reunion.
  • 14、The sound of laughter echoed through the room, intermingled with the joyful cries of children, painting a vibrant portrait of friendship and community during our heartwarming class reunion.
  • 15、Atapestry of shared experiences and memories unfolded before our eyes, weaving together the threads of our lives, as each word and gesture wove new depth and meaning into the fabric of our reunion.
  • 16、As we reconnected with old classmates, the passage of time seemed to fade away, replaced by a sense of familiarity and cherished shared history, turning our reunion into a time capsule of cherished moments.
  • 17、Over cups of steaming tea, we reminisced about the days gone by, laughing at our old pranks and inside jokes, knowing that this reunion was a precious opportunity to reclaim our youth's carefree spirit.
  • 18、In the gentle embrace of nature, we found solace and connection, as our reunion under the starry sky reminded us of the profound beauty and simplicity that lies in the bonds of friendship.
  • 19、With silent tears of gratitude, we looked into each other's eyes, knowing that our reunion was a chance to express our deepest appreciation for the unwavering support and love we had received throughout our lives.
  • 20、The familiar scent of a childhood home filled the air, evoking a sense of nostalgia and nostalgia as we gathered once again, realizing that our reunion had the power to heal old wounds and ignite new beginnings.
  • 21、地球是圆的,今天的离别是为了他日的重聚
  • 22、个暑假月吧长,疲惫身躯换新样,11大学新篇章,友情重聚欢乐堂。为梦想,相互付出,为明天,一起努力,为目标,不再懈怠,为前方,莫在犹豫,冲刺吧!让我们在大学冲出一片全新模。
  • 23、昨天,包括向梅、仲星火、梁波罗在内的很多上影演员剧团成员们,感慨多年后重聚,人人非常开心,大家还一起拍摄了“全家福”留念。
  • 24、感情深深深似海,痴情长久久胜天,九九重阳温情暖,友谊重聚亲情念,合家欢乐幸福笑,开心随秋万般好,幸福重阳,愿你万事幸福安康!
  • 25、虽然我不知道我们什么时候会重聚或将来会有什么发生在我们各自身上....不过,贾飞,我们知道,我们俩是永永远远不变的——永远的年轻,永远的热泪盈眶!凯鲁亚克
  • 26、女校友们约翰逊门前站排,就在这混乱的边缘上,找到各自的班级,然后各班级分开进行。这是哈佛司仪宣布到。最终班级重聚是壮观的和动人的。
  • 27、界魔君群出,众仙困苦难耐,幸得转世金童玉女等一干众人历经千幸万苦解救后,众人重新修炼,历经修真、修身、修道、修难、修缘,终于凤凰于飞,仙人重聚,人间安康。
  • 28、格蕾丝昨天从伦敦飞抵洛杉矶希望与孩子们重聚,但应该不用多久她就会发现自己陷入了巨额的孩子抚养权争夺战中。
  • 29、救援工作以旗山为中心展开,失踪人员的亲属正焦急地等待与家人的重聚
  • 30、相信是房祖名的男子在车厢内一直以外套蒙头俯身避镜头,然后返回北京豪宅,据知林凤娇已秘密在家等待与儿子重聚
  • 31、“人艺五虎将”重聚荧屏丁志诚转型幕后紧张口吃。
  • 32、道青烟在平月镇里无脑乱窜,半个时辰后,镇郊的一处荒山上,沐言鬼体重聚,只是没了来时的意气风发,缁衣被毁,衣不蔽体,还好他是鬼影,这副狼狈相不怕被人看见。
  • 33、“在阿根廷踢球一直是我的梦想,”蒙特罗说:“这是一个很好的机会和家人和乌拉圭国家队重聚。”。
  • 34、老同事、好朋好友离别多年重聚,相拥在一起流泪的场景,一次次感动着记者。
  • 35、是要提高党员干部的综合素质,同时注重聚集各种人才力量。
  • 36、赵雅芝叶童陈美琪20年后重聚
  • 37、快给我们弄几个尿盆来,我们又可重聚在一起了.
  • 38、现在它们再回来,如久失音讯的好友又重聚,所有歌曲我喜爱无比。
  • 39、登高望远方,心中牵挂更绵长。一心只把家乡望,祈愿父母都安康。亲朋好友都平安,祝福声声到身旁。只愿早日重聚首,把酒言欢情谊长。重阳节到了,祝你平安健康!
  • 40、分离的,是我们的身影。牢系的,是我们的友谊。回忆的,是我们的嬉戏,憧憬的,是我们的重聚。祝福的,是我们的梦想!
  • 41、吴文璟、张晨磊、郑凡、张勤,7年后首次重聚
  • 42、曾听说过寻觅爱情,就像天与地别离和重聚过程,而我跟你平静旅程,并没有惊心也没动魄的情景,只需要当天边海角竞赛时,安躺于家里便觉最写意,只需要最荡气回肠之时,可用你的名字和我姓氏,成就这故事。张学友
  • 43、爱情不过一声问候,两人牵手,三天甜蜜心头,四月珍惜宽厚,五月心情开始打酱油,六月痴心不再有,七月开始闹分手,八月郁闷没理由,九月重觅新友,十月新欢重聚头。
  • 44、于是他们相互寻找在三年前得以重聚,在家乡的江边他们开怀畅饮。
  • 45、除了小虎队的重聚还能带给观众一丝怀旧情怀,其他就只剩刘谦的近景魔术值得一看了。
  • 46、在这次难得的重聚中,三位霹雳娇娃依然年轻的容貌震惊了所有观众.
  • 47、在车站,我不止一次感觉到前行的盲目。也许车站对于人的意义就是这样吧,让人感受离别的痛苦,体味重聚的幸福。若非
  • 48、朕可不想养着这些绝大多数是背祖换族的汉人,脑有反骨的假回子真汉奸,让他们有机会恢复生机重聚实力,待华汉病弱时来捅刀子。
  • 49、陈少霞昨晚贴出与吕颂贤合影,引来众多粉丝围观,更激动点赞称,“大师哥和小师妹重聚,太激动了!”。
  • 50、分离的,是我们的身影。牢系的,是我们的友谊。回忆的,是我们的嬉戏,憧憬的,是我们的重聚。牵挂的,是我们的身体,祝福的,是我们的梦想。


重聚 chóngjù

重聚 吉赛贝·托纳多雷在北京拍摄的《重聚》,讲述的同样是一个平凡但真切感人的故事——2008年奥运会越来越近了,清晨的街边公园,一位老人正悠闲地打着太极拳,这吸引了正开车行驶在附近路上的公交女司机的目光。
