- 1、历史上有多少个野心家在他们失败之后成了向隅而泣的可怜虫!
- 2、然则,祸兮福所倚,福兮祸所伏,暗处野心家的阴谋又将他拖入修界纷争的深渊。
- 3、Despite facing numerous challenges, he remained undeterred in his pursuit of success, proving himself to be a true ambitious individual.
- 4、The ambitious entrepreneur dreamed of creating a global empire, striving tirelessly to turn his vision into reality.
- 5、With his relentless ambition and unwavering determination, he overcame all obstacles, emerging triumphant on his journey to greatness.
- 6、The ambitious young artist poured his heart and soul into his creations, pushing the boundaries of imagination and leaving a mark on the world.
- 7、Fuelled by his ambitious nature, he fearlessly ventured into uncharted territories, always seeking new opportunities for growth and innovation.
- 8、Her burning ambition to make a difference in the world led her to dedicate her life to philanthropy, changing countless lives for the better.
- 9、The ambitious politician fervently believed in his ability to bring about meaningful change, captivating the hearts and minds of the people he served.
- 10、The ambitious scientist dedicated his entire career to unraveling the mysteries of the universe, driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge.
- 11、His ambition to excel in sports was unwavering, pushing him to train harder, pushing his limits, and ultimately becoming a champion.
- 12、The ambitious architect sought to redefine the norms of design, consistently pushing boundaries and creating breathtaking structures that captivated the world.
- 13、Armed with ambition and an unwavering belief in his talent, the aspiring actor worked tirelessly, auditions after auditions, until he finally landed his breakthrough role.
- 14、The ambitious visionary envisioned a world where renewable energy powered everyday life, devoting his career to finding sustainable solutions for a brighter future.
- 15、The ambitious young writer poured her heart and soul into her manuscript, hoping to reach and inspire readers with her compelling storytelling.
- 16、Fueled by ambition, she fearlessly pursued her dreams of becoming a pilot, breaking gender stereotypes and soaring through the skies.
- 17、The ambitious entrepreneur's business empire continued to expand, driven by his unwavering commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction.
- 18、Fuelled by her ambition to heal, she dedicated her life to the medical profession, tirelessly working to alleviate the suffering of others.
- 19、The ambitious filmmaker pushed boundaries and challenged societal norms, using his craft to shine a light on important social issues.
- 20、别人看见他赚了钱,就说他是“商人”;看见他施舍他的钱,又说他是“野心家”;看见他推谢光荣,说他是个“投机的家伙”;现在,他谢绝社交,大家说:“那是个莽汉。”。
- 21、连串绑架事件的幕后主脑乃一名叫火狼的野心家。
- 22、可在未来野心家眼里,迫使美国应付支离破碎的初选机制,只会给自己带来好处。
- 23、我们必须采取行动阻止他,不能听任那个野心家移天易日。
- 24、这些野心家们,对于那些吮痈舐痔,为他们效犬马之劳的人,又是赐以桂冠,又是委以重任,真是慷慨得很呢!
- 25、弑母,伊莲娜女王惨死在了这位伟大的公主剑下,所有王室派以及王室派的拥趸都不敢相信他们一直以来的依仗和依靠居然是个彻头彻尾的叛徒和野心家。
- 26、野心家和阴谋家,都是利用群众的善良愿望以售其奸的。
- 27、但对柏拉图来说,多数人统治也不是治疗寡头政治的一剂良药。这是因为普通民众太容易被那些野心家们用情绪化和欺骗性的花言巧语所左右。
- 28、有的野心家随意篡改历史,颠倒黑白,弄得史学领域乌烟瘴气。
- 29、这个野心家,耍尽了阴谋,自以为得计,其实早已成为十目所视,十手所指的目标。
- 30、不过,试图颠覆市场领军者的野心家总是无处不在。
- 31、爱国主义:一堆随时可以被任何野心家所点燃,去照亮他的名字的易燃垃圾。
- 32、并非我们没有守财奴,但比起莫利哀与巴尔扎克笔下的守财奴与野心家来,就小巫见大巫了。
- 33、这个麦克白,是个野心家,弑君篡位,是个暴君,屠戮异己,最后是众叛亲离,毙命于剑下。
- 34、蛇对象说:“我是一个有胆有识的野心家,我敢吞象。”象说:“都啥年代了,还这么凶残,来蛇弟,跟我一起下象棋吧。”。
- 35、当年的野心家四处鼓吹造神运动,在有心人煽风点火下远古武圣们一分二派大打出手,那么多的强者陨落。
- 36、不择手段向上爬的人,野心家。
- 37、反观今日,心怀叵测的野心家们,肆无忌惮地从事阴谋活动,导致整个中华大地邪气升腾,正不压弊,人妖颠倒,坏人当道,好人遭殃。
- 38、奸雄,即奸人之雄,本指淆乱是非的辩士,后来多以奸雄指富于权诈、才足欺世的野心家。
- 39、安居乐业是人民的共同愿望,只有野心家才唯恐天下不乱。
- 40、这伙野心家一上台,就人头畜鸣,为非作歹。
- 41、阶级斗争在发展,可是结果只为野心家所利用,换汤不换药地换了几个朝代。
- 42、他们对世俗认为了不起的成就,如伟大的艺术家、成功的企业家、雄霸一方的野心家,不是那么羡慕。
- 43、野心家总是不能度德量力,所以终多数以失败而告终。
- 44、多样性是世界的客观存在,千百年来,无数野心家和称霸者妄图以自己的意志齐世界,结果多样世界永在,而自己却被历史淘汰。
- 45、“庆父不死,鲁难未已”,不把这帮野心家除掉,国家就不得安宁。
- 46、野心家的朋友一般都是阴谋家。当年明月
- 47、革命家赤胆忠心,虽死犹生;野心家祸国殃民,生不如死。