- 1、好一对狗男女,真是狼心狗肺,狼狈为奸,郎才女貌,呸,狼子野心。钟少雄
- 2、独生子女政策和新财富聚集的结合可能可以解释为什么今天的中国父母对儿女的利益拥有如此强烈野心。但还有另外一个原因。
- 3、Inthe depths of his heart, an unyielding ambition burned fiercely, driving him to conquer every obstacle in his path to success.
- 4、With a relentless ambition fueling her every move, she was determined to prove to the world that she was capable of achieving greatness.
- 5、His eyes gleamed with an unwavering ambition, as he set out to redefine the very meaning of success and leave a lasting legacy.
- 6、Despite facing countless setbacks and failures, her unquenchable ambition propelled her forward, guiding her towards her ultimate goals.
- 7、The ambition within his soul was like a roaring flame, pushing him to reach for the stars and manifest his dreams into reality.
- 8、Inthe pursuit of his ambitions, he refused to settle for mediocrity, constantly pushing himself beyond his limits to achieve excellence.
- 9、Her ambition knew no bounds, as she constantly sought to challenge herself and surpass the expectations placed upon her.
- 10、With fierce determination and an unyielding ambition, he forged his own path, defying the confines of societal norms and expectations.
- 11、Inthe face of adversity, his ambition served as a beacon of hope, reminding him of the limitless possibilities that lay ahead.
- 12、His ambition was like a double-edged sword, driving him towards success while also sacrificing other aspects of his life along the way.
- 13、She possessed an insatiable thirst for success, her ambition acting as a driving force to constantly better herself and achieve greater heights.
- 14、His ambition transcended mere personal gain, as he sought to make a positive impact on the world and leave a lasting legacy of change.
- 15、The burning fire within her heart was fueled by her ambition, igniting a relentless pursuit of her dreams and aspirations.
- 16、With an unwavering ambition burning in his veins, he refused to settle for a life of complacency, always striving for more.
- 17、Despite facing doubt and skepticism from others, her unshakable ambition propelled her forward, proving that she was destined for greatness.
- 18、His ambition was like a tidal wave, washing away all obstacles in its path and carving out a new reality of success.
- 19、In the depths of her being, an indomitable ambition thrived, pushing her to overcome every challenge and seize every opportunity that came her way.
- 20、His ambition burned brighter than the sun, illuminating the path towards his dreams and inspiring others to follow suit.
- 21、在政治上他野心勃勃。
- 22、这伙野心家一上台,就人头畜鸣,为非作歹。
- 23、南加利福尼亚大学进行的一项新研究,知之小工具质疑了过去的假设出言不逊的老板只是受到野心和维持自己权力的需要驱使。
- 24、近日,敌人在边境频繁调动军队,其狼子野心不言自明。
- 25、我们的心有没有可能随时都自在,完全没有挣扎,不仅仅是偶尔感觉自在就算了?如果能够达到这种境界,我们就能进入不再与人比高低的喜乐状态。内心挣扎的原因不外乎就是嫉妒、贪婪、野心和竞争......当我们挣扎的时,起因总是来自真实的自己和期望中的自己之间的冲突。李银河
- 26、我野心很大只是现实容不下。
- 27、不要贪心,因为贪婪把你带到未来。不要占有,因为占有让你执着过去。一个想要活在当下的人必须要摆脱贪婪,摆脱占有,摆脱野心,摆脱欲望。
- 28、谁说俄罗斯会帮中国实现称霸全球的野心啊?
- 29、我的野心是要看到层出不穷的自己。我最大的兴趣,是在镜头前不断雕琢,不断蜕变的自己。穷尽一生之力,我想看看我自己,到底有多少可能。这是我的野心。
- 30、不择手段向上爬的人,野心家。
- 31、“自大是少年的野心,英雄乃是男人的浪漫,这并不值得羞愧。”琥珀之剑拂晓之焰。绯炎
- 32、土地下埋有尸骨,还葬有野心。
- 33、当你的才华还撑不起你野心的时候,你就该努力了!
- 34、人旦产生野心,就会生起重重幻想,仿佛发现了万千宝藏。德川家康
- 35、亚历山大疑是世界上最有野心的人,在他年轻时,他就试着寻求完美。没有人像亚历山大那真正地要成为一个伟人,在他早年的时候,他就追求完美,不管是什么事。
- 36、然而,西汉姆人希望始终停留在他们收购清单上的小赖特能被他们在说服帕克从纽卡斯尔加盟后表现出的野心所吸引。
- 37、朱高煦为人狂傲,功劳又大,恃功骄恣,根本看不上仁弱的哥哥,甚至“辄以唐太宗自比”,谋夺太子之位的野心毫不掩饰。
- 38、这些野心家们,对于那些吮痈舐痔,为他们效犬马之劳的人,又是赐以桂冠,又是委以重任,真是慷慨得很呢!
- 39、挥别去年惨败的阴影,他今年捲土重来,并野心勃勃地誓言将抱走冠军奖盃。
- 40、野心终止了,幸福就开始了。
- 41、个人的悲剧对历史不过是一行语焉不详的断句,时光白驹过隙,我们作为人类欲望这出壮阔的悲剧中没有野心的小人物,有理由对记录,对由词语构成的历史产生怀疑,但是毕竟无能为力。
- 42、这个自吹自擂的候选人大谈特谈他的政治野心,使在场的人非常反感。
- 43、你的美丽来自于自己的足智多谋和追求高品质生活的野心。
- 44、野心、贪婪、自爱、虚荣、友谊、慷慨、公共精神:这些在不同程度上掺杂在一起而遍布社会的情感,自有史以来一直是所有行动和事业的动因。它们已为人类所注视。
- 45、不过,试图颠覆市场领军者的野心家总是无处不在。
- 46、几年前,无私之援助,全力之支持,只换来今天的野心、杀戮和侵略,所以同志们务必要记住一个道理:扶贫,是要看对象的。
- 47、所以,中国人认为到山中去旅行一次,可以有清心寡欲的功效,使人除掉许多愚蠢的野心和不必要的烦恼。
- 48、挥别去年惨败的阴影,他今年卷土重来,并野心勃勃地誓言将抱走冠军奖盃。
- 49、知之小工具原创和收集优质句子,使您在造句的同时,还能学到有用的知识.
- 50、阶级斗争在发展,可是结果只为野心家所利用,换汤不换药地换了几个朝代。