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  • 1、迈克尔讲话轻柔,那种平静让我怀疑他是不是吃了镇静药。
  • 2、谈到喝酒,你一定喜欢的地方就是每一口都是无法挽回的决定。你直冲向前,掌控着这场游戏。这就和**、吃镇静剂和止痛药一样,每一次都是踏向某条路口决定性的一步。
  • 3、Standing at the edge of the cliff, I took a deep breath and tried my best to remain calm and composed, feeling a sense of tranquility washing over me.
  • 4、Despite the chaos and panic around me, I managed to stay composed and focused, my mind clear and my heart steady.
  • 5、Asthe waves crashed against the shore and the storm raged on, I found solace in the serene beauty of the ocean, allowing it to calm my racing thoughts.
  • 6、Inthe midst of a heated argument, I managed to keep my composure, speaking with measured words and a steady, yet assertive tone.
  • 7、Asa leader, it is crucial to remain level-headed and composed in times of crisis, guiding others with a sense of calm and stability.
  • 8、Despite the overwhelming pressure and stress, I reminded myself to take a step back, breathe deeply, and regain my composure, knowing that only then could I make sound decisions.
  • 9、Inthe face of adversity, she displayed unwavering courage and a calm demeanor, inspiring those around her to face their own challenges with determination.
  • 10、Walking into the job interview, my heart raced with nerves, but I forced myself to appear composed and confident, knowing that first impressions mattered.
  • 11、The pianist's fingers gracefully danced across the keys, her face tranquil and serene, as she mesmerized the audience with her composed and passionate performance.
  • 12、In the face of personal tragedy, she remained remarkably composed, finding strength within herself to carry on and create a better tomorrow.
  • 13、As the flames engulfed the building, the firefighters remained composed and focused, working swiftly and efficiently to save lives and protect the community.
  • 14、Amidst the chaos and uncertainty, she found solace in painting, the rhythmic strokes of her brush bringing a sense of peace and tranquility to her otherwise turbulent world.
  • 15、The astronaut gazed out of the space capsule's window, feeling a profound sense of awe and calmness wash over him as he witnessed the Earth from the serenity of space.
  • 16、In the face of failure and disappointment, she refused to let her emotions consume her, finding solace in her composed and resilient spirit, determined to try again.
  • 17、The mountain climber took in the breathtaking view from the summit, feeling an overwhelming sense of stillness and composure, knowing that conquering this feat required both physical and mental strength.
  • 18、The monk's peaceful eyes and serene smile reflected his inner state of tranquility, his composed presence radiating a sense of harmony and enlightenment to all those around him.
  • 19、他们都很激动,所以这时我得故作镇静以免我的不安心情影响他们。
  • 20、大家别慌!镇静点!这么多高手还怕它一只虎?别大惊小怪!看仔细了再说!要是有虎,那边的马儿早就鸣嘶惊慌了!
  • 21、叫我小猫猫!小鸡红着脸,故做镇静地说:真没意思,我有事,先走一步。
  • 22、现在她只能以镇静自持的态度接受命运安排,如是而已.
  • 23、医生给她一种镇静药后她睡了八小时。
  • 24、这个实事求是的问题使她渐渐重新镇静下来。
  • 25、每时每刻都带着镇静自若的美丽和优雅!
  • 26、一张典型的爱尔兰面孔,因为久经风霜而变得聪明、镇静、捉摸不定.
  • 27、这个词与他今早遇到的那个异常镇静的女人一点儿也沾不上边。
  • 28、随着她母亲疼痛的加剧,需要加大药量使她镇静下来,谢丽尔就长时间静静地在她母亲病床边守夜。
  • 29、陈老师讲课态度镇静,亲切而从容,使人听了真有如沐春风的感觉。
  • 30、哲学是一帖镇静剂,宗教是一个震惊。哲学帮助你睡得更香,宗教把你拽醒。
  • 31、我们对机械通气患者镇痛镇静药的应用和效果评价作一综述。
  • 32、凡者得金、则刚明果断,得木、则朴素质直、得火、则发扬奋迅,得水、则明彻圆融,得土、则镇静浑厚,五行齐聚则为“儒”。
  • 33、整个雾柳镇静寂得让人心慌,偌大的镇子鸡犬不闻,随处可见魔兽们肆虐后的场景,空气里都残留着它们血腥的气息。
  • 34、漫画不是镇静剂,而应是发汗剂,让病人出一身汗。
  • 35、据悉,谭所吃的这种镇静药,用量为每天三次,每次一粒,而谭某一次竟吃了17粒,加上谭空肚吃药,容易吸收,所以中毒严重。
  • 36、假如生活欺骗了你,不要悲伤,不要心急,阴郁的日子需要镇静,相信吗?那愉快的日子即将来临,心永远憧憬未来,现在却常是阴沉,一切都是瞬间,一切都是过去,而那过去了的,就会变成亲切的怀念。普希金
  • 37、我后面的女人,不知道是谁,悄声说着镇静药。
  • 38、疏风散热,定惊镇静,治小儿夜啼,惊痫抽搐及妇科等症。
  • 39、她必须服镇静剂来使她的神经镇定。
  • 40、上班族最离不开的食物1、番茄:美白抗衰老。2、菠菜:保护视力、远离缺铁性贫血。3、姜:预防感冒。4、蘑菇:提高免疫力。5、鸡蛋:增强记忆力。6、核桃:健脑润肤。7、鱼:富含镁,有镇静效果,缓解紧张情绪。
  • 41、他们可以在私下暗自神伤,但在公开场合他们必须镇静自若。
  • 42、帕迪戈太太故作镇静,正透过眼镜瞅着他.
  • 43、高楼大厦重安全,专人负责搞消防。定期检查器材好,灭火器具不挪用。发生火灾要镇静,组织群众安全离。切断电源防扩散,呼救电话早拨打。
  • 44、意在使单位员工处于火灾现场时保持镇静、不惊慌、不盲目行动,利用一切可以利用的有利条件,选择正确的逃生方法。
  • 45、能治疗狂燥、镇静安神,对防治心血管、贤结石、风湿等疾病体验促进作用。
  • 46、延续了你的工作后,才明白当日的你。明了这一切后,我会做得更好,只因为你是我的老师。牙医对病人说不要害怕,喝一杯酒镇静镇静。酒后,医生问你现在感觉如何。看谁还敢拔我的牙!老师轻松一下。
  • 47、若说有谁还能保持镇静,那便是叶鸿了,毕竟他身怀破灭中期的灵觉,在这种来自等阶的威压下,倒是显得从容自如。
  • 48、意思是说,知道停止才有定力,有定力才能够镇静不躁,镇静不躁才能够心安理得,心安理得才能够思虑周详,思虑周详才能够达到至善的境界。
  • 49、你还能帮助舒缓及镇静你的小一个温暖的宁静的小夜灯发光,可以激活从婴儿单位。
  • 50、耶尔法官先生又恢复了他那镇静自若的神态,说起话来调子有板有眼.


镇静 zhènjìng

镇静 (字词释义) 镇静:静。出自《国语·晋语七》:“ 黶 也果敢, 无忌 镇静。” 韦昭注:“镇,重也;静,安也。”一本作“ 镇靖 ”。 唐 刘禹锡《荐处士王龟状》:“古者选公族大夫,必以惇惠者教之,文敏者道之,果敢者谂之,镇静者循之。” 清 魏源《默觚下·治篇十一》:“以持禄养骄为镇静,以深虑远计为狂愚。