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闭幕式造句 首页

  • 1、李峰昨晚,第五届内蒙古自治区乌兰牧骑艺术节闭幕式及颁奖晚会《火山草原的祝福》在乌兰察布市察右后旗察哈尔广场举行。
  • 2、闭幕式在深圳著名旅游景点世界之窗举办,象征着大运会就是世界各国青年齐聚一堂的大联欢。
  • 3、The closing ceremony of the Olympic Games was a spectacular affair, filled with breathtaking performances and a sense of unity among nations.
  • 4、Asthe curtains closed on the final act of the play, the audience erupted in thunderous applause, marking the end of a memorable evening.
  • 5、The closing ceremony of the film festival was a grand celebration of the art of cinema, showcasing the talent and creativity of filmmakers from around the world.
  • 6、With colorful fireworks illuminating the night sky, the closing ceremony of the music festival left the audience in awe, their hearts filled with melodies and memories.
  • 7、The closing ceremony of the school year brought together students, parents, and teachers to celebrate the achievements and growth of the past academic term.
  • 8、Asthe final notes of the symphony played, the closing ceremony of the orchestra left the audience captivated, their spirits lifted by the power of music.
  • 9、The closing ceremony of the conference marked the culmination of days of thought-provoking discussions and inspiring presentations, leaving participants with a renewed sense of knowledge and inspiration.
  • 10、Ina display of cultural unity, the closing ceremony of the multicultural festival showcased the diversity and richness of traditions from different countries and communities.
  • 11、The closing ceremony of the fashion show was a dazzling display of style and creativity, leaving the audience in awe of the designers' artistic vision.
  • 12、With a poignant tribute to the history and heritage of the city, the closing ceremony of the cultural fair evoked a strong sense of pride among the locals.
  • 13、As the final race came to an end, the closing ceremony of the sports competition honored the dedication and sportsmanship displayed by athletes throughout the event.
  • 14、The closing ceremony of the art exhibition showcased the beauty and diversity of artistic expression, leaving attendees inspired and captivated by the works of talented artists.
  • 15、With a solemn ceremony, the closing of the museum's special exhibition paid homage to the invaluable artifacts and stories that had been shared with visitors throughout its run.
  • 16、The closing ceremony of the theater festival was a vibrant celebration of the performing arts, with actors and performers taking a final bow to acknowledge the applause of the audience.
  • 17、In an emotional farewell, the closing ceremony of the retirement party honored the contributions and achievements of a beloved colleague, leaving a lasting impact on all who attended.
  • 18、As the sun set on the last day of the summer camp, the closing ceremony filled the air with laughter, tears, and memories, creating bonds that would last a lifetime.
  • 19、The closing ceremony of the book fair brought together authors, publishers, and book lovers to celebrate the written word and the power of storytelling.
  • 20、本报讯昨天下午,钢琴家许忠现身毗邻世博园区的上钢新村社区,在第十四届“上钢杯”钢琴文化节闭幕式上献演,为该钢琴文化节画上了完美的句号。
  • 21、知之小工具尽量原创和收集高质量句子,使您在造句的同时,还能学到有用的知识.
  • 22、美国劳工部长赵小兰现将率领美国代表团参加闭幕式
  • 23、闭幕式于22日晚在北京邮电大学教三楼召开。
  • 24、当晚的闭幕式在釜山电影殿堂的露天剧场举行,由韩国演员宋善美和尹启相主持,林权泽、金基德等众多韩国影坛重量级人物纷纷亮相红毯为闭幕助彩。
  • 25、北京奥运会闭幕式熄灭圣火方式别具一格。
  • 26、“删繁就简三秋树,领异标新二月花”,深圳大运会执行局局长梁道行用清代著名画家郑板桥书斋的题联,为深圳大运会开、闭幕式确定了总体框架和方向。
  • 27、随着区运会接近尾声,区运会的闭幕式文体表演也正在紧锣密鼓地准备着。
  • 28、第14届上海国际电影节在历经9天的上海“黄梅季”之后,昨晚在金爵奖颁奖典礼暨闭幕式时,难得雨停。
  • 29、兰州市六运会闭幕式上,河南省“郑汴洛文艺精品工程”牵头作品为观众带来视觉盛宴。
  • 30、在广州亚运会闭幕式最后一次彩排的当天,记者昨日采访了总导演陈维亚和他的核心创作团队。
  • 31、新奇的农运会开闭幕式也可以让奢华的北京夏季奥运会,对这些当地普通的稻田劳作者们显得不那么洋味十足。
  • 32、今晚该市将与央视联手举办《欢乐中国行·魅力兴化》文艺晚会,闭幕式上还将上演《郑板桥》淮剧小戏专场。
  • 33、与亚运会开幕式相似,此次闭幕式同样是由韩国影坛教父林权泽担任总导演,而演出主题则变为“温暖且包容的亚运会”。
  • 34、2月27日,狮山镇罗村第八届“孝兴富弘德耀南海”孝德文化节闭幕式在孝德湖落下帷幕,同场还举行了“孝心永驻幸福罗村”爱心慈善花灯千叟宴会。
  • 35、5月31日下午报到,6月1日全天活动,晚上举行闭幕式,6月2日上午撤营。
  • 36、我们的开闭幕式,将是展现中国杰出作家、导演和作曲家的舞台,讴歌人类的共同理想,以及我们独特的奥林匹克运动。
  • 37、祝希娟、刘晓庆、赵薇三代百花影后在闭幕式上分别讲述了自己与百花奖和电影的缘分,成为闭幕式上的最大亮点。
  • 38、中国国家馆日专场演出导演侯捷算是“世博专业户”,2002年上海申办世博,2010年上海世博会开闭幕式,2012年韩国丽水世博会演出,她都承担重要角色。
  • 39、“画乡邻里文化节”闭幕式上隆重揭晓。
  • 40、他制定了奥运会会章、信条和运动员誓词,规定了开幕式和闭幕式的仪式.
  • 41、北京奥运开闭幕式上,绚烂烟花腾空而起,让人印象深刻。
  • 42、昨日第四届中国成都国际非物质文化遗产节郫县分会场闭幕式暨第30届郫县望丛赛歌会,在郫县望丛祠举行。
  • 43、开闭幕式的室内场所;比赛场地和赛事训练场地。
  • 44、早在2008年,小贝就感受到了中国人民对奥运会的热情,在北京奥运会闭幕式伦敦八分钟的精彩节目中,贝克汉姆以他神奇的“黄金右脚”,向世界发出奥运邀请。
  • 45、近日颜丙燕作为第三届中国国际微电影展主竞赛单元评委亮相闭幕式,身着金色蕾丝小礼服的她庄重不失优雅,获封最美女评委。
  • 46、在此,我们收集了一小批过去两周内来自瓜达拉哈拉的照片。运动会的闭幕式将在周日举行。
  • 47、5月20日下午,科利华小学举办第二届“欢乐岛阅读节”闭幕式,为阅读节画下了圆满的句号。
  • 48、在闭幕式上,国际奥委会*席致闭幕词.
  • 49、闭幕式上举行了区运会会旗交接仪式,自治区副*席、第十三届运动会组委会主任李康将区运会会旗移交给百色市副市长黄建宁。
  • 50、在开幕式和闭幕式上,有八位旗手护送着奥林匹克旗。


闭幕式 bìmùshì

闭幕式 闭幕式(Closing Ceremony),会议、展览会结束时举行的正式仪式。
