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防锈造句 首页

  • 1、电泵用后,应清洗干净,在金属表面涂油防锈,并竖直放在干燥处保管。水浸电机还应放净电机内的清水。
  • 2、材料及辅料:模具钢材,润滑油、脱模剂、加工液、防锈剂等。
  • 3、Inthe harsh salt-laden coastal environment, a layer of rust-proof coating is essential to protect ships from corrosion and ensure their durability and safety at sea.
  • 4、Asthe rain relentlessly fell on the roof of the old farmhouse, the farmer felt reassured knowing that the newly installed rustproof metal sheets would prevent water leaks and protect his family from the elements.
  • 5、The vintage car enthusiasts gathered around, admiring the meticulously restored beauty before them—its flawless metallic body, not a speck of rust in sight—proof of the owner's unwavering commitment to preservation and protection.
  • 6、The modern skyscraper, with its shimmering glass façade and rust-resistant steel framework, symbolized progress and innovation in engineering, standing as a testament to human achievement and serving as a beacon of hope for a brighter future.
  • 7、The awe-inspiring ancient temple, nestled amidst nature's embrace, had withstood the test of time, thanks to the skilled craftsmanship and unwavering dedication of countless generations in applying the traditional rustproofing techniques to preserve its sacred beauty.
  • 8、Inthe face of constant exposure to harsh weather conditions, the bridge's maintenance crew worked tirelessly, repainting and applying rust-resistant coatings to safeguard the vital infrastructure that connected two communities.
  • 9、The vintage bicycle, polished to perfection, drew attention from passersby with its vibrant colors and gleaming metallic parts, giving credit to the owner's meticulous care and dedication to rust prevention.
  • 10、The intrepid explorer ventured into the depths of the ancient shipwreck, marveling at the remarkably preserved artifacts, a direct result of the ship's design incorporating innovative rustproofing techniques ahead of its time.
  • 11、As the rain poured down relentlessly, the young couple walked hand in hand under the umbrella, its rust-resistant coating keeping them shielded from the elements and symbolizing their enduring love and commitment.
  • 12、The vintage train, lovingly restored to its former glory, showcased its rust-proofed engine and the intricate mechanisms that ensured its smooth operation, a testament to the owner's passion for preserving history and craftsmanship.
  • 13、The antique pocket watch, passed down through generations, still ticked with precise accuracy, its rustproof case preserving not only its timeless beauty but also the intangible memories and stories held within its delicate mechanism.
  • 14、In the artist's studio, the rust-resistant sculpture proudly stood, a symbol of resilience and endurance, inspiring viewers to reflect on the human spirit's ability to withstand challenges and find beauty in the face of adversity.
  • 15、选择合适的管线油作基础油,加入适量的乳化剂、防锈剂、稳定剂和助溶剂,可制得防锈乳化油。
  • 16、本发明属于化工涂料领域,具体涉及一种双组分环氧氟碳富锌长效防锈漆。
  • 17、钢架焊接处必须除锈后涂刷两道防锈漆然后涂银粉漆处理。
  • 18、不腐蚀金属,防锈性好,热稳定性超强。
  • 19、红木家具的五金配件、金属拉手可用少许机油抹擦并擦干,使之能灵活转动,防锈,抗氧化。
  • 20、如有水分存在,则此气体腐蚀性很强,润滑油的选择与压缩湿空气时相同,建议使用抗氧防锈型汽轮机油。
  • 21、长期停止使用时,应拆开水泵,将零件上的水擦干,在加工表面涂上防锈油保管好。
  • 22、雷用专门的防锈涂料涂船的吃水线以下的部位。
  • 23、而一些劣质煤气管,管道强度偏低,管壁薄,缝道焊接工艺落后,缝道不够严密,锌层薄,防锈差。
  • 24、与原用润滑剂相比,矿油型拉延油防锈性好、清洗性好、可泵送给油和带油焊接。
  • 25、供应商使用新的防锈油是好的,但这不是防锈油本身的问题。
  • 26、该漆与同类溶剂型防锈漆相比,不仅具有除锈、防锈双重功能,而且成本低,无毒,无环境污染。
  • 27、详细论述了氧化微晶蜡在防锈蜡、乳化蜡及塑料润滑用蜡方面的应用情况,最后给出了氧化微晶蜡下游产品生产的若干建议。
  • 28、良好的氧化安定性、防锈性。
  • 29、防锈膜特薄,不沾灰,使用后铸件清洁,无油腻感。
  • 30、与其它添加剂配伍性良好,可在车辆齿轮油、防锈内燃机油、抗磨液压油等多种油品中应用。
  • 31、分析了冷轧板车身在前处理过程中生锈的原因及防治办法,列举了瑞风商务车的前处理防锈措施。
  • 32、通过筛选乳化剂、缓蚀剂,获得一种水膜置换性好、防锈性好的防锈乳化油。
  • 33、铭牌应固定有两个防锈机螺钉。
  • 34、对金属模具有防锈功能,并有清洁模具之作用。
  • 35、主要产品有:金属加工油,成型加工油、防锈油、清洗剂、除锈剂、复合剂等。
  • 36、采用全插卡式设计,结构简洁,装拆方便快捷,防腐,防锈,坚固耐用。
  • 37、电泵用后,应清洗干净,在金属表面涂油防锈,并竖直放在干燥处保管。
  • 38、由于该脱模剂的防锈性和可剥性,它可推广应用于制件运输和储存过程中的保护。
  • 39、简述了富锌环氧防锈漆的研究依据、组成及涂膜的成膜机理。
  • 40、对环境友好,防锈性能特别优异,在许多场合可替代防锈油。
  • 41、机器的包拆必须防湿、防潮、防锈、防震,并且经得起粗鲁的搬运。
  • 42、我们还曾经有一辆汽车,一旦车身出现划痕,我们就会用一层防锈漆把它们盖住。
  • 43、新单车造价在800元以上,全车以防锈铝合金材质为主,并使用免充气轮胎,降低维护成本,座位可根据人的身高进行调节。
  • 44、介绍了铁路货车用水溶性厚浆涂料的配方和工艺,并讨论了水性防锈树脂、丙烯酸乳液、触变剂等影响因素.
  • 45、通过丝束电极测试电阻分布,研究了水基防锈液的防锈性能。
  • 46、不过他告诉记者,春节前,杭州将投入1000辆采用新型防刺免充气轮胎的自行车作为试点,并对车辆搁脚、车铃、车把手等易锈蚀的配件进行了防锈处理。
  • 47、管外壁先涂防锈漆、再涂黄色醇酸漆。
  • 48、本品是改善冷却液传导冷却效能的添加剂,有助于防止发动机过热,具有防锈、防腐、防泡沫等作用。
  • 49、机器的包装必须防湿.防潮.防锈.防震.并且经得起粗鲁的搬运.
  • 50、氧化铁红具有良好的颜色遮盖力、着色力、耐热、耐溶剂、耐酸性、无毒、防锈等性能,是优质的颜料品种。