- 1、革兰阳性菌肽聚糖常交联成三维立体结构,使细胞壁十分坚韧。
- 2、3天后,检查结果显示为“澳抗阳性”。
- 3、When the sun rises in the morning, its warm and radiant light fills my heart with positivity, reminding me that each day is a fresh start and an opportunity to shine.
- 4、The laughter of children playing in the park brings a sense of joy and positivity, reminding us of the innocence and wonder that exists in the world.
- 5、Intimes of adversity, it is important to maintain a positive mindset, as it empowers us to overcome obstacles and find creative solutions to our problems.
- 6、The support and encouragement from friends and loved ones during difficult times can truly make a difference, filling our hearts with positivity and reminding us that we are not alone in our struggles.
- 7、When we choose to focus on gratitude and count our blessings, even in the face of challenges, we cultivate a positive mindset that allows us to see the beauty and potential in every situation.
- 8、Surrounding ourselves with positive influences and uplifting environments nourishes our souls and fuels our optimism, enabling us to achieve our goals and live a fulfilling life.
- 9、The power of a smile is truly remarkable; it has the ability to brighten someone's day, uplift spirits, and create a ripple effect of positivity that transcends boundaries and spreads joy.
- 10、Kindness and compassion, when extended to others, not only brings joy and happiness to their lives, but also fills our own hearts with a sense of fulfillment and positivity.
- 11、Embracing change with a positive attitude opens doors to new opportunities and growth, allowing us to discover our true potential and reach heights we never thought possible.
- 12、The beauty of nature, with its vibrant colors, gentle breeze, and melodious sounds, has the ability to uplift our spirits and fill our hearts with a sense of peace and positivity.
- 13、Positive affirmations have the power to transform our thoughts and beliefs, creating a mindset of abundance, self-confidence, and limitless potential.
- 14、Cultivating a positive work environment, where individuals are valued, appreciated, and encouraged to thrive, not only boosts productivity but also creates a sense of camaraderie and fulfillment.
- 15、Embracing forgiveness and letting go of grudges allows us to release negative energy, heal emotional wounds, and create space for positivity, love, and growth.
- 16、The transformative power of a positive mindset enables us to view failures and setbacks as opportunities for growth, learning, and ultimately, success.
- 17、Treating others with respect, kindness, and empathy creates a ripple effect of positivity that not only enriches our own lives but also makes the world a better place.
- 18、Embracing the present moment and finding joy in the little things allows us to fully experience life, appreciate its beauty, and cultivate a sense of positivity and contentment.
- 19、By actively seeking opportunities to help others and make a positive impact in their lives, we not only contribute to their well-being but also fulfill our own sense of purpose and happiness.
- 20、结果用醋酸铅氢氧化铵法检测乳糖比PH还原糖法的检出率阳性高。P。
- 21、结果表明,蓝斑是非胆碱能的,很蓝斑腹侧部网状结构含有胆碱乙酰转移酶阳性反应神经元。
- 22、5月8日,李某到门诊部进行统一体检,被检出HBsAg澳抗阳性,系乙肝病毒携带者。
- 23、阳性信号主要分布于细胞膜、细胞浆及细胞核内.
- 24、方法对380例淋菌培养阳性患者进行追踪调查,将复诊结果进行回顾性分析。
- 25、重要的是,佩利斯等注意到,报告工业界支持的论文,其报道阳性结果的可能性,是没有支持的论文的5倍。
- 26、虽然对补体成分和免疫复合物的免疫组化分析是阴性的,纤维蛋白原是阳性的。
- 27、瘤细胞较大,多边形或圆形.胞界清晰,胞浆透亮.含糖原、脂质或红染颗粒,PAS染色阳性反应.
- 28、结果显示,直接参与细胞无氧代谢的磷酸化酶和LDH在传导组织细胞内呈强阳性反应,心肌为弱阳性。
- 29、垂直铰链运动,阳性部件在活动义齿中。
- 30、外侧膝状体和丘脑腹后核有许多胶质细胞呈免疫阳性染色。
- 31、抗菌谱广,主要用于革兰氏阴性菌所致的肠道细菌感染,对部分革兰氏阳性菌也有强大杀灭作用。
- 32、经检测,32个样本中有5个为伤寒杆菌阳性。
- 33、目的探讨结核性胸膜炎的检测方法,提高阳性检出率。
- 34、进行口服心得安试验,观察其阳性率。
- 35、而癌旁组织为阴性或弱阳性表达,为胞浆染色。
- 36、结论CHF时CGRP免疫阳性细胞形态和数量与正常时相比,均有明显变化,与CHF的发生、发展密切相关。
- 37、两个月后皮肤荧光带试验阳性,如预先服阿的平能预防皮损。
- 38、方法采用洁尔阴洗液为对照,进行随机、双盲、阳性药平行对照、多中心临床试验。
- 39、结论:NURR1基因结合神经干细胞有效改善了帕金森病模型症状,提高移植后酪氨酸羟化酶阳性神经元细胞的数量。
- 40、结果表明:ANAE阳性者为T淋巴细胞,阴性者为B淋巴细胞。
- 41、方法以碳酸氢铵作为实验组,以敌百虫作为阳性对照组,以清水作为空白对照组。
- 42、他在药检呈阳性后被奥林匹克运动队除名。
- 43、接着论文从阳性词泛指,词序,词义的贬降等方面对中的性别歧视现象进行了详细的分析。
- 44、方法蒙古沙土鼠40只,随机分为正常对照组、病理模型组、阳性药物对照组、健脾清化汤组各10只。
- 45、结果TUNEL阳性细胞位于坏死中心与正常皮层之间的半影区。
- 46、二级药物检查为阿莫曲替林阳性.
- 47、和海洋潮汐不同,这里有两个月亮潮汐,一个阳性,一个阴性。
- 48、方法:采用嘌呤霉素引起的肾病综合征大鼠模型,以有效的降脂药普伐他汀作阳性对照,观察黄芪当归合剂的作用。
- 49、通过硝酸纤维膜斑点印迹法进行阳性克隆鉴定。
- 50、在产妇分娩后3个月、6个月及12个月时,分别评价两组产妇的排尿情况、盆底肌肉收缩能力和尿垫试验阳性结果。