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雇用造句 首页

  • 1、当这些工业在市场区建立起来时更多的工人被雇用,因此就增强了本地区的经济。
  • 2、这一切还不够,又给我加了一个罪名,说我在弃婴收养所当所长的时候,曾经雇用了一些掉光了牙齿的老迈无能的亲戚担任烹饪的工作。
  • 3、Im extremely grateful to have been offered employment by such a prestigious company, as it is a true validation of my skills and abilities.
  • 4、The process of hiring new employees requires careful consideration and thorough evaluation of their qualifications, ensuring that the right fit is found for the team.
  • 5、Asan employer, it is crucial to create a supportive and inclusive work environment that values diversity, as it fosters innovation and drives success.
  • 6、The decision to hire a candidate should not be solely based on their qualifications, but also on their potential to grow and develop within the company.
  • 7、Every employee deserves to be treated with respect and fairness, irrespective of their job position, as it enhances their productivity and overall job satisfaction.
  • 8、Finding a job that aligns with one's passion and interests is a rewarding experience, as it allows for personal and professional growth.
  • 9、The job market can be highly competitive, and it is essential for job seekers to continuously enhance their skills and knowledge to increase their chances of employment.
  • 10、Employers have a responsibility to provide their employees with opportunities to learn and grow, fostering their professional development and loyalty to the company.
  • 11、The recruitment process should be transparent and unbiased, offering equal opportunities to all applicants, regardless of their background or personal circumstances.
  • 12、The decision to terminate an employee's contract should only be made after careful consideration, ensuring fairness and adherence to labor laws.
  • 13、Job satisfaction is not solely dependent on the salary or benefits provided, but also on the work culture, job responsibilities, and opportunities for career advancement.
  • 14、Employers should invest in employee training and development programs to enhance their skills, improve job performance, and boost overall productivity.
  • 15、Asupportive and collaborative work environment encourages employee engagement, teamwork, and positive morale, resulting in increased job satisfaction and retention.
  • 16、Employers have a duty of care towards their employees, ensuring their safety and well-being within the workplace by implementing appropriate health and safety protocols.
  • 17、The decision to employ remote workers can provide flexibility and cost-saving opportunities for employers, while also providing employees with a better work-life balance.
  • 18、Employers should regularly recognize and appreciate their employees' efforts and achievements, as it boosts motivation and creates a positive work culture.
  • 19、Job seekers should thoroughly research and assess potential employers before accepting an offer, ensuring that the company's values and work culture align with their own.
  • 20、这些标志是劳动关系区分雇用关系、人事关系的关键,也是改革和完善救济机制的根本关节点。
  • 21、不是因为你过去的成绩,单位雇用你;而是因为你未来的潜力,单位雇用你。
  • 22、马丁说,由于不断有非法移民进入美国,农业工人的薪资、福利和工作条件都比较差。他承认,雇用客工的成本很高。
  • 23、他分明是莫里亚蒂雇用的爪牙。
  • 24、中产阶级倾向于雇用装修公司,后者则将工作转包给回扣最多的建筑队。
  • 25、社会认为雇用童工应当受到制裁.
  • 26、他们威胁说要雇用替工,这使工会陷入了困境。
  • 27、王嘉毅分析现存问题称,大部分学校没有炊管人员,有的由教师代劳或教师家属来临时聘用;有的从附近农户中临时雇用
  • 28、造网在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天进步!
  • 29、银行经理雇用一斜眼、歪鼻、招风耳的丑八怪做出纳,众人惊。经理解释:如果他携款潜逃,我们非常容易在通缉令上写明他突出的面貌特征。
  • 30、他还说,海运公司应考虑雇用保安人员,对海盗采用非杀伤性防卫措施。
  • 31、再假定说雇用这个雇佣劳动者的资本家付给他这个数目,即付给他劳动力的全部价值。
  • 32、官员们也加强了学校安全防范工作,雇用额外的保卫人员来护送学生上学和放学。
  • 33、每年这些公司都雇用大量的来自历史系、英语系、政治学系的毕业生,但他们都没有受到过正式的金融与商科的教育。
  • 34、他说:我为了告我的合伙人侵吞我应得的利润而雇用的这个律师结果是个讼棍;他不仅使我输了官司,还敲了我的竹杠。所以shyster就是卑劣的讼棍。
  • 35、雇用童工的企业大都设备落后、劳动管理无序、生产水平低下,这是造成童工恶劣生存条件的另一个原因。
  • 36、在全盛期,波音公司雇用了100,000名本地员工。“飞机城”作为一个工人阶级为主体的城市直到80年代,随后本地起家的微软公司开始为自己赢得了名声。
  • 37、他租用了两间办公室,一间候诊室和两间检查室。他只雇用了诺瑞斯贝尔,他的租金还包括使用技师进行抽血和干其他技术活的费用。
  • 38、不少工人是东电匆忙间临时雇用,缺乏全面培训和充分防护,进入高危区域时甚至不懂得配带辐射测量仪。
  • 39、我想所有雇用事宜都由人事科负责.
  • 40、国企由权力部门、地方**和党政领导来管理;国企雇用的上百万职工相对来说娇生惯养,依赖工资和福利过活。
  • 41、如果我们每个人都雇用比我们自己都更强的人,我们就能成为巨人公司。
  • 42、她补充道:“他们甚至不喜欢雇用已婚女人”,人们总认为女孩更纯洁,但眼前就有一个女孩并非如此。
  • 43、电子工业已成为一项重要工业,雇用人员超过100万名.
  • 44、今年10月16日下午,安徽省固镇县仲兴乡丁圩村大陈七队村民陈某某雇用左某某及其旋耕机为自家旋地。
  • 45、不久前,好莱坞影星罗伯特?德尼罗和坎迪丝?伯根的家都先后遭劫,小偷不是别人,正是他们都雇用过的保姆。但在审讯中,小偷保姆却辩称,她只偷那些不尊重她、品性不端的雇主。
  • 46、她在柬埔寨开了一间工厂,用回收的米袋,尼龙袋,纸盒等等制成包包,她还雇用了很多单亲妈妈,给予她们很多经济上的支援。
  • 47、同时,石油公司正在利用私人雇用军来帮助许多他们的工作人员通过陆路到达埃及和突尼斯。
  • 48、如果某人在工作面试时对我说:“我对软件工程有很深入的理解,我的文档技巧非常棒。”我不知道我是否会雇用他。
  • 49、外界雇用的“专家”,受聘裁减雇员总数,留下手脚干净、良心未泯的高层管理人员。
  • 50、正式任命时,你会拿到一份关于雇用细则的书面声明。