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  • 1、但近期的郭德纲事件不是一个艺人缺德的小问题,而是中国社会转型中涌出大大小小新“土围子”不良势力的顽固堡垒的麻烦。
  • 2、已是迫在眉睫,这里,却存在着严重的缺陷,还没把高庆东这个顽固堡垒攻下来。
  • 3、Despite facing numerous obstacles and setbacks, their friendship remained a stubborn fortress that withstood the test of time and adversity.
  • 4、The little girl's unwavering determination to overcome her learning difficulties became the impenetrable fortress that shielded her from self-doubt and despair.
  • 5、The artist's studio served as a resilient fortress, providing solace and protection from the outside world's judgments and expectations.
  • 6、The team's unwavering belief in their abilities built a formidable fortress, enabling them to conquer challenges and achieve extraordinary success.
  • 7、The elderly couple's unyielding devotion to one another formed the unbreakable fortress that withstood the trials and tribulations of a lifetime together.
  • 8、Despite the chaos and uncertainty surrounding them, their shared dreams forged a steadfast fortress, providing them with hope and strength to navigate through difficult times.
  • 9、She built an emotional fortress around herself, unable to let others in due to past hurts and disappointments.
  • 10、The bond between mother and child was an unshakeable fortress, offering protection and support during the ups and downs of life.
  • 11、Despite the constant criticisms and doubts, her unwavering self-belief was an impenetrable fortress that shielded her from negativity and fueled her success.
  • 12、The team's unity and solidarity formed an invincible fortress, paving their path to victory against formidable opponents.
  • 13、The fortress of her faith and spirituality shielded her from the storms of uncertainty, providing strength and guidance in times of doubt.
  • 14、The historical monument stood tall as a symbol of the nation's resilience, a majestic fortress reflecting the strength and courage of its people.
  • 15、Despite the challenges and setbacks, their unwavering commitment to environmental conservation built a stronghold, a fortress protecting future generations from the harm of neglect.
  • 16、Their unbreakable friendship created an unwavering fortress of support and understanding, offering refuge during their darkest moments.
  • 17、The fortress of knowledge they acquired through years of study made them invincible, enabling them to overcome any intellectual challenge.
  • 18、Despite the emotional pain and heartache, she built an impenetrable fortress around her heart, vowing never to let anyone hurt her again.
  • 19、The storyteller's words wove a dazzling fortress of imagination, transporting listeners to magical worlds beyond their wildest dreams.
  • 20、所以应试教育的思想是一座顽固堡垒,无论是教育者,还是被教育者,都需要得到解放。
  • 21、只有采取强有力的非常手段才可攻克扶贫的最顽固堡垒
  • 22、发动职工、家属和陪病人的亲属共同做过细的思想教育工作,攻破病人头脑里‘私’字的顽固堡垒,从根本上治疗他们的病。
  • 23、说白了“小垄断”盘踞的顽固堡垒,当早日攻破才是。
  • 24、改革开放30多年来,计划经济貌似淡出了,然而某些方面的计划仍然得以继续,教育计划经济则是众多改革中的一个顽固堡垒
  • 25、但是在大力建设生态文明的背景下,这3个“拒不执行”的案例非常刺眼;在“向污染宣战”的进程中,它们成了消减战斗者锐气的顽固堡垒
  • 26、现在改革发展最大障碍是产权特别是土地产权问题,这已经成为冲出改革深水区绕不过的顽固堡垒
  • 27、知之小工具尽量原创和收集高质量句子,使您在造句的同时,还能学到有用的知识.
  • 28、不难看出,城乡结合部人口资源环境矛盾最尖锐、利益诉求最复杂、二元体制障碍最明显、社会秩序最紊乱,已经成为阻碍首都可持续发展的一个顽固堡垒
  • 29、而当时清**不仅是封建势力的顽固堡垒,并且已变成“洋人的朝廷”。
  • 30、当时上海在革命党人陈其美的领导下已经光复,沪宁沿线南京已成清军顽固堡垒
  • 31、特别是土地产权问题,成为冲出改革深水区绕不过的顽固堡垒
  • 32、此时此刻,她彻底推翻了心头那维持多年的独身主义的顽固堡垒


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