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预感造句 首页

  • 1、似乎他自己也预感到母猪会上树.
  • 2、聪明,不过我实在想不明白,难道你有先见之明,还是你有预感,为什么每次都能躲过我的计划,让每次都功亏一篑。
  • 3、Standing on the mountaintop, her heart filled with a strong premonition that something extraordinary was about to happen, she could almost taste the sweet scent of success in the air.
  • 4、Asthe thunder rolled and the dark clouds loomed overhead, he couldn't shake the unsettling foreboding that this storm was not just about the weather, but a harbinger of impending doom.
  • 5、Walking through the old abandoned house, she couldn't ignore the eerie premonition that lingered in the air, as if the walls whispered the secrets of its haunting past.
  • 6、Before stepping onto the stage, he felt a surge of anticipation mixed with a chilling premonition that this performance could make or break his career.
  • 7、The sudden silence in the bustling marketplace made her heart skip a beat, a vivid premonition warning her of an imminent calamity that would shake the very foundations of their small community.
  • 8、Asthey stood at the edge of the cliff, hand in hand, she sensed an overwhelming certainty of their unbreakable bond, a premonition that their love would conquer any obstacle.
  • 9、The fire alarm blaring in the middle of the night sent shivers down her spine, a powerful premonition that their peaceful life was about to be disrupted in unimaginable ways.
  • 10、With each passing day, the weight of impending change hung heavy in the air, a tingling premonition that their lives were on the brink of a major transformation.
  • 11、The ancient ruins emanated a mystical aura, invoking a deep sense of connection with the past and a restless premonition that their actions in the present would shape the future.
  • 12、As she gazed into his eyes, she felt an indescribable premonition that this encounter was not a mere coincidence, but a fateful meeting that would change their lives forever.
  • 13、Walking through the hospital corridor, the scent of antiseptic stirred a bittersweet premonition in her heart, as she knew that her beloved grandfather's time was running out.
  • 14、Every time she crossed the bridge, a mysterious premonition washed over her, leaving her breathless and filled with an unexplainable sense of both fear and hope.
  • 15、The flickering streetlights and deserted alleyways created an atmosphere of unease, prompting her to trust her gut and follow her premonition to find a safer path home.
  • 16、As the first snowflake gently brushed against her cheek, she couldn't help but feel a surge of childlike joy and a premonition of a winter filled with warmth and love.
  • 17、The turbulent ocean waves crashed against the shore, echoing the tumultuous emotions within him, a premonition that this journey would challenge him to his very core.
  • 18、In the quiet stillness of the early morning, she listened to the soft whispers of nature and felt a comforting premonition that today would bring her a renewed sense of purpose.
  • 19、The old journal she discovered in the attic revealed secrets from the past, igniting a curiosity and a premonition that unearthing the truth would bring both answers and closure.
  • 20、The howling wind and swirling leaves outside her window created a mesmerizing dance, heightening her premonition that change was on the horizon and she needed to embrace it.
  • 21、1907年7月,梁启超在东京神田锦辉馆召开成立政闻社大会,这时,梁启超已预感革命党将与他为难,特意聘请日本“力士”保护,虽然如此,仍未免冲突。
  • 22、我有一种不祥的预感,歹徒会提出种种要求或威胁,或者对人质百般折磨。
  • 23、许阳预感水心一定会语惊四座。
  • 24、日本的核电站正如我们预感的果然报废了,但从日本公民生涯上看上却并没有太大的影响。
  • 25、恶魔入侵的初期,阿卡拉就有了预感,她派遣血鸟前往崔穆斯特丹执行预警任务。
  • 26、海盗们也隐隐有些不妥的预感,一窝风地走出封闭的尾?船舱。
  • 27、机关魔王似乎预感到对方的强大,自己虽然全身是被铜石所做,硬度与魔化的程度显然已经是很不寻常了,但没想到对方的冲击要明显的超过自己的预料。
  • 28、确实,太安静了,漆黑的屏幕,沉默的扩音器,就像······死了一样。他有种隐约的,不祥的预感,却不能对任何人说,似乎这话只要出口,就会变成真的。江南
  • 29、陈见夏走了几步,还是忍不住回头问:“在车上时候,你说你有预感……预感什么?”,李燃双手插兜,安然注视她。“预感夏天迟早会来。”。八月长安
  • 30、如果你自认不敢,你便的确不敢;如果你预感到失败,那你已经失败。一切都由意识掌控,很多比赛的失在起跑之前已经注定。
  • 31、预感感到什么事将要发生的感觉;预先警告,预兆。
  • 32、誉王得知夏江被囚禁,预感自己不可能置身事外,在府中苦思对策。
  • 33、其预感和先验感知的物质基础是左右脑和电光磁超时空的感官延伸,做工的物质主要为光磁外延电磁扫描归序。
  • 34、他有一种预感,陈清蕊能够逢凶化吉,遇难呈祥——清蕊没有死,她一定在那悬崖下等着他。
  • 35、凡是预感到的祸事,差不多全会来的.
  • 36、稽查总队在盘问那名男青年时,他似乎早有“预感”,他表示自己的货是专卖给那些游商小贩的,主要是DVD压缩盘。
  • 37、陈彬预感一场疾风暴雨式的政治运动即将到来。
  • 38、莫扎特的预感是对的:他写下了自己的安魂曲.
  • 39、我对死没有恐惧,也没有预感,也没有巴望着死。
  • 40、欧阳天赐还是有点惴惴,这次出来真的失算,第一,金大福没来,第二,自己总有一种不好的预感,感觉这次要出事。
  • 41、预感总是倏然来临,灵光一现,好像一种确凿无疑的信念在瞬间萌生却无从捕捉。
  • 42、两个短粗的夸塞魔和尖瘦的弗洛魔面面相觑,看着对方队伍里还没有一点动静的死亡骑士和几个顶天立地的大块头,心里已经有了不祥的预感
  • 43、他刚才其实早已预感了第三方的存在了,但是他要出手救下木忧的念头刚一起来,浑身上下的气机便有一半被封住,当是回天无力了。
  • 44、司徒琴昭隐约有种预感也许听到了接下来的话,他也许不会那么坚定的一往直前了。
  • 45、当我还很年轻的时候,我对生命有一种彻底的预感。那象是从通风窗口飘来的一阵使人作呕的烹饪气味。你不用尝就知道,这菜肴会使你作呕。
  • 46、听夏天热烈的沙沙声,好象节日就在我的窗畔。我对这一天早有预感,明朗的日子和空空的房间。阿赫玛托娃
  • 47、但是,也正因为此,他们有时又会感到烦心和惆怅,他们还余留着告别天真岁月的伤感,又迟早会产生暮岁将至的预感
  • 48、不用了,在你告诉我有预感会被袭击的时候我就猜到了会是谁,主动入伏也只是为了确定猜测而已。
  • 49、田野里的蝈蝈也在唱,唱给那些夜空下静穆的庄稼听。间或有凉凉的夜风吹过,掠过树和庄稼,飒飒作响。蝈蝈停止了歌唱,打了个寒噤;庄稼也停止了倾听,打了个寒噤。它们都不约而同地预感到最后的时刻即将来临。
  • 50、我看见小树在大风中翩翩起舞就有一种不祥的预感


预感 yùgǎn

1、预先感觉 2、事先感觉到的 
预感 (李玖哲歌曲) 《预感》是由李玖哲演唱的一首歌,出自《爱星光精选 昨天今天明天》。 预感 (词语) 事情未发生,就感觉出它的结果好坏。 老舍《茶馆》第一幕:“有几个茶客好像预感到什么灾祸,一个个往外蹓。” 叶圣陶《邻居》:“‘那末今天或许又有什么新花样发生了,’我预感地说。” 丁玲《水》二:“那些无人管的畜群,那些不能睡,拍着翼四方飞走的禽鸟,都预感着将要开演的惨剧而发着狂。” 2. 事先的感觉。 茅盾《清明前后》第五幕:“我有预感,我觉得你那么想得头头是道的什么改变方针,积累资金,到头来还是一场空。” 沙汀《困兽记》十七:“这一切都在为他证实着那可怕的预感:他的希望已经吹了。
