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驱动器造句 首页

  • 1、介绍了一种集成低压铁氧体驱动器和功率MOS管的单片集成电路.
  • 2、顶部的那层叫做较高层,代表的是内核针对SCSI和主要设备类型的驱动器的最高接口。
  • 3、With determination as my driving force, I conquered my fear of heights and successfully completed bungee jumping from a 300-foot tall platform.
  • 4、Mypassion for education is the driving force behind my decision to become a teacher, as I believe in empowering young minds to reach their full potential.
  • 5、Despite facing numerous obstacles, her unwavering ambition and self-belief acted as a driving force, propelling her to become a successful entrepreneur.
  • 6、Love for my family is the driving force behind my dedication to working hard and providing them with a comfortable life.
  • 7、The satisfaction and joy I feel when helping others in need acts as a driving force, motivating me to volunteer at local shelters and support community initiatives.
  • 8、The desire for a healthier lifestyle is the driving force behind my commitment to exercise regularly and eat nutritious foods.
  • 9、The support and encouragement from my mentors acted as a driving force, inspiring me to pursue my dreams and achieve academic excellence.
  • 10、The desire to make a positive impact on society is the driving force behind my involvement in philanthropic initiatives and social activism.
  • 11、The realization of the importance of financial independence for women became the driving force behind my decision to start my own business.
  • 12、The passion for environmental conservation serves as the driving force behind my efforts to reduce waste, recycle, and promote sustainable living.
  • 13、The thrill of competition and the desire to continuously improve my skills act as the driving force behind my dedication to sports.
  • 14、The power of music and its ability to connect people from different cultures and backgrounds serves as a driving force, inspiring me to pursue a career in music therapy.
  • 15、The driving force of curiosity led me to embark on a solo backpacking trip across Europe, exploring new cultures and gaining invaluable experiences.
  • 16、The tragic loss of a loved one became the driving force behind my involvement in raising awareness about mental health issues and working towards destigmatizing them.
  • 17、The dream of creating a better future for my children is the driving force behind my decision to pursue higher education and advance my career.
  • 18、The inspiration drawn from influential leaders throughout history serves as a driving force, motivating me to strive for excellence and make a positive impact in my field.
  • 19、The satisfaction of a job well done and the desire to continually learn and grow act as the driving force behind my professional development.
  • 20、The appreciation for art and creativity serves as the driving force behind my decision to become a professional artist, expressing my emotions and perspectives through various mediums.
  • 21、相反,它加密的是那个用来加密你硬盘驱动器的密钥。这就是为何该软件允许有多个密钥。
  • 22、该放大器和交叉的网络驱动器上面提到的低音炮.
  • 23、该产品配有PLC,变频驱动器,光幕,卷帘门。
  • 24、尽管理论上支持热插拔的内核的IDE驱动器分区数量理论上最多为15个,但您也许能创建最后几个,也可能无法创建最后几个。
  • 25、在大多数情况下,你需要安装一个光盘驱动器作为次级主位。
  • 26、记住你需要全盘加密产品,运用PGP磁盘,加密软件或驱动器加密,确保它们已经安装并且能正常工作。
  • 27、为了检验机器人运动的可行性,做了一系列测试驱动器驱动能力的实验。
  • 28、在计算机产业,光盘驱动器取代了磁盘驱动器,因为前者能以更低价格存储更多信息。
  • 29、请选择软盘驱动器盘符,然后单击“备份”.
  • 30、随着压电智能材料与结构的发展,压电驱动器在气动弹性控制领域占据重要地位。
  • 31、我们的业务就是,想大公司销售,大量成箱的磁盘驱动器,但是这里就是需要动脑筋的地方了:,我们不是做磁盘的,我们也不是做箱子的。
  • 32、区别普通电脑和多媒体电脑的主要东西是声卡和只读光盘驱动器
  • 33、该公司致力于单核心业务范围,从而显示其营业单位,即指挥与控制设备,汽车起动机和驱动器,断路器和建筑自动化。
  • 34、刻录到空白DVD或写在你的硬盘驱动器或媒体服务器输出到一个文件夹或图像文件,压缩内容以适合小光盘,选择是你的!
  • 35、针对闸极驱动器,可预测经过一段时间后每一电晶体特性的变化。
  • 36、一种更好的解决方案是购买外置硬盘驱动器,并在其中安装Linux。
  • 37、如果问题仍然出现,你的硬盘驱动器可能是坏了。
  • 38、把这张盘放到磁盘驱动器里,然后从光盘启动。
  • 39、微笑是生活的“发电机”,微笑是自信的“原动力”,微笑的事业的“挖掘机”,微笑是幸福的“驱动器”,微笑是友情的“发酵剂”。世界微笑日,真挚的祝福送给你:开心如意,生活甜蜜。
  • 40、知之小工具在线造句词典-造句应有尽有,几千词语的造句供您参考!
  • 41、双驱动器基于传统的V型多楔带已经成功地应用于农业机械,家庭洗衣设备,汽车配件产品。
  • 42、它还有一个便携式版本,从USB驱动器启动运行,可以在不对目标机器做任何改变的情况下发现加密文件,添加恢复文件和网站密码。
  • 43、不要紧,利用从驱动器带来的动力,他现在可以绕着镇子里骑自行车了,而他的人工心脏已经伴随着他跳动超过了3年。
  • 44、超磁致伸缩材料的热变形严重影响驱动器的输出精度.
  • 45、此次准备上市的事务部门,日立环球存储科技公司,是全球第三大硬盘驱动器制造商。
  • 46、现在很难相信上面看到的行李箱大小的奥斯本电脑会是那个年代的高科技产品,那个电脑仅有一个微型显示器,硬盘驱动器和全尺寸键盘。
  • 47、硅互补PNP晶体管。音频放大器和驱动器
  • 48、好了;至此我们已差不多作好了模拟驱动器故障的准备,但并非万事俱备。
  • 49、不过,外置硬盘驱动器以合理的成本为通用的Linux发行版提供最多的灵活性。
  • 50、基于偏动式记忆合金驱动器原理,针对普通闭门器的连杆机构,通过几何解析和力学分析,提出了一种新型的自动锁闭、解锁装置。
