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黑霉造句 首页

  • 1、微生物课上,我们试着培养黑霉.
  • 2、黑霉和悬钩子属于小核果的聚集体。
  • 3、Aark cloud of black mold loomed over the old house, casting a gloomy shadow on its once vibrant interior, filling the air with a sense of decay and neglect.
  • 4、The insidious black mold silently invaded the damp corners of the basement, spreading its toxic presence like a malevolent force, threatening the health and well-being of the unsuspecting inhabitants.
  • 5、The stubborn black mold stubbornly clung to the bathroom tiles, its stubborn existence mirroring the resilience of the problems that have plagued their lives, seeming impossible to rid themselves of.
  • 6、The discovery of black mold in their dream home turned their joyous anticipation into a nightmare, their hope shattered by the shocking realization that their sanctuary was contaminated and unsafe.
  • 7、The noxious odor of the black mold overwhelmed the senses, its foul stench serving as a constant reminder of the invisible threat that threatened to undermine their peaceful existence.
  • 8、The presence of black mold silently eroded the foundations of their relationship, as they battled not only the physical destruction it caused but also the emotional toll it took on their trust and unity.
  • 9、Asshe scrubbed away at the stubborn black mold, she couldn't help but feel a sense of determination and resilience, refusing to let this unseen enemy defeat her and her loved ones.
  • 10、The black mold had taken its toll on their health, leaving them weakened and susceptible to illness, but it also served as a rallying cry for them to take back control and reclaim their living space.
  • 11、The black mold, like an insidious parasite, had infiltrated the sanctuary of her mind, breeding doubt and despair, but she refused to let it consume her spirit, vowing to reclaim her peace of mind.
  • 12、The black mold, like a venomous serpent, slithered its way through their lives, poisoning their happiness and leaving behind a trail of destruction that seemed impossible to repair.
  • 13、In the face of the black mold's relentless presence, they banded together, armed with the hope and determination to eradicate not only its physical manifestation but also the negativity it represented.
  • 14、The fight against black mold became a symbol of their resilience and strength, as they refused to be defeated by this unseen adversary, standing tall in the face of adversity.
  • 15、The insidious black mold served as a wake-up call, forcing them to confront the neglected areas of their lives and take action to restore balance and harmony in their home and relationships.
  • 16、The black mold seemed to thrive in the darkness, a haunting reminder that even in the bleakest moments, there is always a glimmer of hope, a flicker of light that can guide them towards a brighter future.
  • 17、The black mold, with its encroaching darkness, taught them the power of vigilance and prevention, reminding them to address the root causes of their problems before they took a hold of their lives.
  • 18、As she donned her protective gear and faced the black mold head-on, she felt a renewed sense of purpose, determined to take control of her environment and reclaim her sense of safety and well-being.
  • 19、给予一种浓郁和新鲜的红浆果芳香,如草霉和黑霉.
  • 20、结合有香浓的洋李和黑霉的芳香,还有一些皮革和黑色巧克力香味。
  • 21、明亮的红宝石色,有黑霉、黑醋栗、薄荷、烟熏等香气.
  • 22、红莓和黑霉都是自花传粉的,这就是说,它们无需昆虫为它们传粉就能自己供应花粉,形成果实。
  • 23、链黑霉素是一种罕见的氨基苯醌,具有广泛的生物学活性,能抗细菌、真菌、线虫、病毒和肿瘤细胞。
  • 24、在一个中号碗中,将桃子,黑霉,草莓,蜂蜜和斗粉搅拌,摇匀,冷藏.
  • 25、造网是一部在线造句词典,其宗旨是让大家更快地造出更优质的句子.
  • 26、果味芳香,带有红色水果的香味,如草莓、蓝霉、黑霉等香味。温和而又有果味芳香,甜度和酸度相当平衡,酒精度较低。
  • 27、现在长满了黑霉,就在法兰德斯的沼泽地里埋葬。


黑霉 hēiméi

黑霉 hēi méi ㄏㄟ ㄇㄟˊ 黑霉 (1).黑色的霉点。 明 李时珍 《本草纲目·水一·雨水》:“梅雨或作霉雨,言其沾衣及物,皆生黑霉也。” (2).霉菌的一种,生长在腐败的馒头、面包、水果等有机物上,初生时为白色的绒毛,以后菌丝的顶端长出球形的孢子囊,囊里有许多黑色孢子。