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三行造句 首页

  • 1、原谅我把冷寂的清官朝服剪成合身的寻常布衣,把你的一品丝绣裁成储放四段情事的暗袋,你娴熟的三行连韵与商籁体,到我手上变为缝缝补补的百纳图。简媜
  • 2、同时,雄厚的经济实力,使得十三行商人成为当时岭南文化投资的主要社会力量。
  • 3、The sunset painted the sky in a vibrant palette of oranges and pinks, reflecting the warmth and tranquility of the day coming to an end.
  • 4、The melody of the violin danced through the air, evoking a range of emotions that stirred the depths of my soul, transporting me to a world untouched by worries and fears.
  • 5、With determination in her eyes and a heart full of hope, she embarked on a journey to pursue her dreams, embracing challenges and overcoming obstacles along the way.
  • 6、The scent of blooming flowers wafted through the garden, filling the air with a sweet fragrance that brought back memories of carefree childhood days spent exploring nature's wonders.
  • 7、The sound of laughter echoed in the room, creating an atmosphere of joy and merriment that spread infectious happiness to all those who were fortunate enough to be a part of it.
  • 8、Asthe waves crashed against the shore with relentless force, I stood at the water's edge, feeling a sense of awe and humility in the face of nature's power and beauty.
  • 9、The elderly couple sat hand in hand on the park bench, their wrinkled faces telling a tale of a lifetime spent together, filled with love, laughter, and unwavering support.
  • 10、The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the cozy café, inviting tired souls in need of warmth and refuge from the cold, bustling city outside its doors.
  • 11、The pristine snow-covered landscape stretched as far as the eye could see, creating a serene and untouched canvas that whispered tales of tranquility and peace.
  • 12、The soft, gentle touch of a mother's hand on her child's forehead, filled with love and solace, conveyed a sense of protection and comfort in times of vulnerability.
  • 13、The rich, velvety chocolate melted in my mouth, awakening my taste buds to a symphony of flavors that left me craving for more of life's indulgent pleasures.
  • 14、The fiery passion in her eyes burned brighter than a thousand suns, igniting a spark within me that dared me to dream big and chase after my desires fearlessly.
  • 15、The vibrant colors of autumn adorned the trees, painting a picturesque scene that celebrated the cycle of life and reminded me of the beauty in embracing change.
  • 16、The roar of applause filled the concert hall as the orchestra delivered a breathtaking performance, uniting the audience in their appreciation for the power of music to touch the soul.
  • 17、The tender embrace of a loved one after a long absence created a sense of belonging and warmth that melted away the distance and time spent apart.
  • 18、The words on the page danced before my eyes, forming a tapestry of emotions and ideas that transported me to different worlds and expanded the horizons of my imagination.
  • 19、The gentle breeze kissed my cheeks as I stood on the mountaintop, offering a moment of respite and connection to the vastness of nature's grandeur.
  • 20、The anticipation in the air was palpable as the curtain rose, revealing a stage filled with talented performers ready to transport the audience to a world of magic and wonder.
  • 21、第三行就是用来解决这一问题的。
  • 22、像这上头说的‘十三行’,他禁示的,他又在离任时请旨开禁,既有今日,何必当初?当初既是,今日必非。
  • 23、我的父母不同意,他们说第三行星上这些危险生物,将会研究太阳的凤凰反应,自己发展出热核反应。
  • 24、第三行禁用了分析器。
  • 25、已成为这个商人团队约定俗成的称谓,可以说,“十三行”。
  • 26、知之小工具是一部在线造句词典,其宗旨是让大家更快地造出更优质的句子.
  • 27、procmailrc规则的第三行可以命名应该转发此邮件的邮箱,但这条规则所做的事更加有趣。
  • 28、越王句践使死士挑战,三行,至吴陈,呼而自刭。
  • 29、这样,当在第三行产生一个异常时,会出现什么情况呢?
  • 30、布韵方式就很多了,以四行诗来说,比如偶体韵、双迭韵、交错韵、连环韵、三行韵、随韵,多不胜数。
  • 31、导入的实际数据将进入各个部分的第三行
  • 32、十三行中人,作为中国最早通夷语、知夷情的人,他们的身影,还出现在不平等条约的谈判者群体,出现在上海租界的倡导者群体之中。
  • 33、清一真人小心翼翼的走过九步,然后停下端详着面前的一块石头,这块石头约有九尺九寸,上面水平如镜,并且排着三行三列共九颗石子。
  • 34、在十三行,广州周边来拿货得都被叫做四乡客。
  • 35、1828年,王老吉在广州十三行开设第一间“王老吉凉茶铺”,深受街坊欢迎,被誉为“凉茶王”。
  • 36、看在十三行同气连枝的份上,我们特来劝一劝你。
  • 37、诀别词诀别诗,两三行,写在六月花开的路上,若还能打着伞走在你的身旁,谁来为我忘川河畔惆怅。
  • 38、那时戏园子里除有捧角儿的乱喊叫外,前台还出现了“三行”,即茶水行、小卖行、手巾把行。
  • 39、白露时节好运来,祝愿朋友都发财,一想二来三行动,强身健体多锻炼,四海五湖六祝愿,心情舒畅百事顺,七纵八横九勤劳,发财致富不是梦,十全十美在今朝,白露祝福千万家!
  • 40、“三行情书”红螺寺的祈福短信:情起;铁观音的茶香浸透茶杯:情深;归期至,似箭弦,心如麻:情别。
  • 41、他收十三行十万银子,不缴公也不入私,有观望风色伺机贪图的心,但终于入了广东藩库。
  • 42、那可是个大商埠,专门做外国人的生意,十三行,这些都是杨猛以前就知道一些的。
  • 43、第一行和第二行都有4了,第九列也有4了,同行同列不能再有重复的数字,那么4只能填在第三行第八列的位置。
  • 44、属下斥候曲一哨三行唐强有紧急军情要禀报将军。
  • 45、这两只龟形态独特,嘴巴前端的上下颌呈钩状,似老鹰嘴,十分锋利;背甲盾片呈黑褐色,12块盾片就像12座小山连绵起伏,呈纵横三行排列。
  • 46、一路好运伴左右,两旁美景上心头,三行四处人群聚,四面八方吉祥照,三言二语祝福你,两心相牵关怀到,一路顺心又顺意,旅途快乐陪伴你.祝你旅途平安快乐!
  • 47、2011年6月,IT蓝图在沪苏吴三行成功投产。
  • 48、新的一周刚开始,祝你接二连三行好运,四面春风得意,生活五颜六色七彩缤纷,兴旺八达,生意九久长,十分满意,风调雨顺。
  • 49、附分侠脊第三行魄户膏肓与神堂噫嘻膈关魂门九。
  • 50、而位于台北县八里乡、属铁器时代的十三行文化遗址,出土过200多件铜器,这些铜器已被证实不可能是*弯当地生产制造的。


三行 sānxíng

1.祝酒三次。 2.三种德行。
三行 三行:佛学用语 三行:曹秦演唱歌曲
