- 1、不过公孙这次出剑求教,本意却并非是与大师兄争强斗胜,当下顺着那股巨力的冲势,身形一动,迅速的朝着身后倒跃而出,落到了五米开外。
- 2、他从不争强,总是“人弃我取,人取我与”。
- 3、Inthe fiercely competitive world of business, only those who constantly strive to be stronger and better can survive and thrive.
- 4、The fierce determination to win and outperform others is what drives athletes to push their bodies and minds to their limits.
- 5、The fierce competition in academics motivates students to study harder, learn more, and strive for excellence.
- 6、Inthe face of adversity, strong-willed individuals never back down but instead gather their strength and fight for their dreams.
- 7、The relentless pursuit of success and the desire to outshine others is what fuels entrepreneurs to take risks and innovate.
- 8、Ina society where everyone is striving to be the best, only those who are willing to go the extra mile and constantly challenge themselves can truly stand out.
- 9、The intense desire to be the best versions of themselves is what makes individuals work tirelessly to improve their skills and talents.
- 10、Inthe battle of ideas and ideologies, the ones who fight with conviction and passion are the ones who leave a lasting impact on society.
- 11、Ina world that constantly demands excellence, the pursuit of knowledge and continuous learning is the key to staying ahead in the race.
- 12、The relentless drive to be at the forefront of technology is what compels scientists and engineers to explore new frontiers and discover groundbreaking innovations.
- 13、In the realm of sports, it is the unwavering determination to be the best that fuels athletes to train harder, push their limits, and achieve greatness.
- 14、The fierce ambition to be the strongest and most successful is what separates leaders from followers in the corporate world.
- 15、In a world where everyone is vying for attention, it is the ones who dare to be different and stand out from the crowd that truly shine.
- 16、The intense desire to be the best versions of themselves empowers individuals to overcome obstacles, conquer challenges, and achieve their goals against all odds.
- 17、In a society that idolizes success, it is the ones who constantly strive to surpass their previous achievements that become the true heroes.
- 18、The relentless drive to be the strongest and most successful is what propels individuals to overcome their limitations and reach heights they never thought possible.
- 19、In the dog-eat-dog world of politics, it is the ones who are willing to fight tooth and nail for their convictions that can bring about real change.
- 20、最近好吗?生活累,是因为心累;心累,是因为想得太多;生活忙碌,是因为不满足;争强好胜,是因为虚荣心强;抛开一切,生活就充满幸福。愿你无忧愁走幸福之路。
- 21、由于秦朝之前是诸侯争强的局面,所以在统一之后,各地仍有很多旧贵族,或富室大家。
- 22、我老了,没有什么争强斗狠的心了,还是期待你们这些年轻人吧。
- 23、而对于那些爬树啊,踩水啊这些对争强CKL控制有用的方法都练习过。
- 24、唉,身为佛门弟子,武功是强身健体,降妖伏魔之术,用来争强斗胜,实在是罪过!阿弥陀佛——!
- 25、而从主观犯意看,此类案件起因多为争强好胜、负气斗狠,或夙有积怨、伺机报复,也有的是为了同学、朋友“出头”。
- 26、你若是赌胜争强,惹祸招灾,终久有安排知之小工具整理。
- 27、三伏天五类人当心“情绪中暑”:长期处于紧张压力下的人,不善与人沟通者,心理承受力脆弱者,争强好胜者,患高血压、糖尿病、哮喘、厌食症等疾病的人。
- 28、一向争强好胜万事不愿求人的她,也只能面对现实,闲居家中,依赖夫君的照顾。
- 29、上官飞见此也熄了争强斗胜之心,只是为了增加自己战斗的经验,很快的上官飞就适应了邱捕快的攻击,开始逐步的反击。
- 30、隐隐觉得读书之人练武也无伤大雅,于武功的抵触之心不觉有所消释,自语道:“学些武功也没什么不好,不过似王佑箴那般争强斗胜的武功我自是不学的。
- 31、郑浑分付道:“袤儿在家,凡是好多思考,不可争强好胜。
- 32、很多费尽心力追求来的东西,后来发现,并不是我们真正想要的。青春,是一场与自己的战争!若干年后回忆起争强好胜的那些年,其实我们需要的,只是一份成长的动力。
- 33、他都是风烛草霜的人了,再没有气力去争强了。
- 34、而对于好胜心理强的学生,他们回答问题积极性高,但由于激进导致争强好胜,善于表现自己,便往往思考不周密就举手求答,导致答案欠妥当,甚至不着边际,离题甚远。
- 35、每次见到玉丞,都有不同程度地变化,无论是从气质还是心机,比起初次见面时,那种感觉已完全被嫉妒与争强所泯没,完全不复存在。
- 36、他们使用的餐具称不上是有来头的古董,但是每一件都质地精良,而且是京都百姓平时使用的器皿,包含了丰富的日常性,不争强好胜,却细心周到,尤其令人感到愉快。寿岳章子
- 37、我们时常会感觉到心累,只是自己想得太多。我们总说生活繁琐,其实是自己不懂得品味。我们时常业务繁忙,只是自己得不到满足。我们也总是争强好胜,其实是自己虚荣心太强。其实,人生就那么简单。做个单纯的人,走一段幸福的路。
- 38、人们推崇谦谦君子的温文尔雅,鄙薄孔武之士的争强好胜。
- 39、从小他就喜好拳脚,舞棍弄棒,与人争强斗狠,敢拼敢打,那时可没少折腾。
- 40、黎石豪年轻时曾担任过当地小学的校长,一生性情淡泊,桃李成蹊,受尽当地人尊重;而老太太年轻时却争强好胜,脾气刚烈。
- 41、哼哼!军营之中,岂是你等武人争强斗胜之所?凡有冒犯者,皆以叛逆而论,一概杀之!
- 42、我自幼以为,武不过是外强中干的东西,能用以争强好胜而已,治国齐家平天下则还得圣人之理。
- 43、这种消极性的盲目攀比,对于本以为自己身材好的人,结果反手摸不到肚脐,对本身就争强好胜的人来说,这容易产生抑郁症状。
- 44、他无论干什么,都喜欢争强好胜。
- 45、老伴儿性格外向,为人争强好胜,精明能干,相反,内向的性格使我不苟言谈,遇事优柔寡断。
- 46、主公之言,虽合天理,奈离乱之时,用兵争强,固非一道;若拘执常理,寸步不可行矣。
- 47、月儿,这第二条,以后就改成因争强好胜比剑受伤的人不救。
- 48、又有门派之争,争强斗胜,生死不修!若干年后,这长生之法,早名不其实。
- 49、这时众人才回过神来,对于普通人而言,这些佣兵争强斗狠,打死打残都是常事,现在死人了,众人也相继散去。
- 50、梦想,不会欺骗任何人。欺骗我们的,是无限膨胀的欲望。争强好胜是天性,不服输的年纪里,每个人都眼高于顶,于是梦想回报你的是一次次鼻青脸肿。梦想与现实较劲的过程中渐渐发现:成熟是摔出来的。苏芩