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薪酬造句 首页

  • 1、年她拍摄《家有仙妻》和《翻译风波》的薪酬可是足足有1750。
  • 2、算入这笔奖金,高盛员工的人均薪酬和福利将略超过该行2007年创下的此前纪录661,490美元。
  • 3、The company's decision to reduce my salary without any justification has left me feeling betrayed and demotivated to continue working for them.
  • 4、Asa teacher, I believe that fair and competitive compensation is essential in attracting and retaining talented educators who play a crucial role in shaping the future of our society.
  • 5、The demanding and stressful nature of my job warrants a higher salary, as it requires long hours of work and immense dedication to ensure the success of the organization.
  • 6、The unequal distribution of salaries within our company creates a sense of resentment and division among employees, hindering teamwork and overall productivity.
  • 7、The low salary offered to entry-level positions discourages talented graduates from pursuing these careers, ultimately affecting the quality of professionals in the industry.
  • 8、Itis disheartening to witness the stark difference in wages between male and female employees, highlighting the persistent issue of gender pay gap.
  • 9、The lack of transparency and communication regarding salary decisions within the organization breeds mistrust amongst employees, affecting the overall work environment.
  • 10、Aair and competitive salary not only acknowledges and rewards an employee's hard work but also fosters a sense of loyalty and commitment towards the company.
  • 11、The company's consistent unwillingness to revise and adjust salaries with the changing market trends jeopardizes its ability to retain top talent and remain competitive in the industry.
  • 12、The absence of a salary review and adjustment process within the organization limits the chances of employees receiving fair compensation for their efforts and achievements.
  • 13、The correlation between employee morale and salary satisfaction cannot be overlooked, as a low salary can significantly impact an individual's motivation and job satisfaction.
  • 14、The prospect of receiving a bonus or salary increment serves as an incentive for employees to strive for higher performance and productivity.
  • 15、Awell-structured and equitable salary scale ensures that employees are fairly compensated based on their qualifications, responsibilities, and contributions to the organization.
  • 16、The salary package offered by the company should not solely focus on monetary aspects but also include desirable benefits such as healthcare, insurance, and opportunities for career growth.
  • 17、The growing cost of living coupled with stagnant salaries poses significant challenges for employees to meet their daily expenses and maintain a decent standard of living.
  • 18、The salary negotiations between employers and potential employees should be approached with transparency and fairness, ensuring a mutually beneficial and satisfactory outcome for both parties.
  • 19、It is essential for employers to regularly benchmark their salaries against industry standards to ensure competitive compensation packages, attracting and retaining top talent.
  • 20、“要求有团队领导技巧”:你将担任的是经理的职责,但是没有经理级的薪酬或待遇。
  • 21、岗位工资是确定薪酬的核心部分,只有通过对岗位责任的大小和相对重要性进行判断,才能制定相应的岗位工资。
  • 22、“成己成物,立己立人”,华南农业大学党委*记李大胜坦言:“个人收入主要来自学校的薪酬,从不领取与工作无关的报酬。
  • 23、薪酬设计是人力资源管理领域较困难的管理任务,薪酬的调整与设计不再仅仅是一项技术工作,它更是一种战略思考。
  • 24、端午节到了,清香的叶子层层叠叠,薪酬总涨不跌;晶莹的米粒纯纯洁洁,笑容常在欢乐无邪;红红的小枣甜甜蜜蜜,爱情美满尽人意;幸福的丝线缠缠绕绕,好运幸福把你拥抱。端午节快乐。
  • 25、虽然目前的薪酬只比营口的当地水平高出少许,比大城市能得到的待遇低了一些,但他知足,因为觉得有奔头儿。
  • 26、本文以散热器厂的工资改革实施过程为案例,通过对散热器厂的发展环境分析,说明建立一套有竞争力的薪酬管理体系的重要性.
  • 27、常小兵、刘振亚们的薪酬之论,正是国企高管们饱受争议的焦点所在。
  • 28、该方案对专职社工的招录及薪酬作出了明确的规定,实行“因事设岗、按岗择人、以岗定薪、按绩定奖”。
  • 29、知之小工具是一部在线造句词典,其宗旨是让大家更快地造出更优质的句子.
  • 30、与此同时,受求职者薪酬预期见涨影响,为招聘到合适的人才,用人单位提供的薪酬起点也有所提高。
  • 31、但该公司仍然面临挑战,包括目前与美国汽车工人工会在薪酬及服务条件上的争端。
  • 32、通过大量的对现行就业人员的调研工作和对就业机会可信评估取得的薪酬表,委员会的评估就是据此展开的。
  • 33、记者发现,进场的大多数为硕士研究生,招聘会还透露出目前薪情,硕士生薪酬与本科生接近。
  • 34、有人说,高教大众化以后,大学生多了,物稀为贵,物多必贱,薪酬降低,势所必然。
  • 35、在企业的争夺下,高级人才的薪酬已经达到闻所未闻的水平.
  • 36、交易巨亏后有些经理的高额奖金将被追回,但薪酬委员会选择对其他人高抬贵手。
  • 37、室厅人住,菜汤人吃,枕被人睡,来去人过,衣袜人洗,喜忧人愁,工作人累,事担人承,影视人看,薪酬人花,心意身轻,生世辈子,个人有个人的精彩,个人有个人的快乐!
  • 38、过去人力资源部和会计部总是争着管理薪酬
  • 39、一名湖北官员对长江商报表示,国营企业也得到通知,必要时削减薪酬,而不是裁撤职位。
  • 40、以上职位一经录用,我们将提供业内具有竞争力的薪酬待遇。
  • 41、国庆走,长假溜;长时休,心悠悠;国庆后,上班周;心无忧,脑勿愁;开心留,快乐收;勤奋斗,能力秀;争创收,工作优;祝你节后上班渐涨薪酬,甜在心头,好运在手,快乐永久!
  • 42、在当代,薪酬是关系企业员工切身利益的大事,也是影响现代企业成功的关键因素之一。
  • 43、期股,作为长期薪酬重要形式之一,确实产生了积极的激励作用,但并非如今今天许多学者、职业经理人和企业家所认为的那种“一股就灵”的功效。
  • 44、在企业的人力资源管理活动中,薪酬管理是最复杂、最困难和最敏感的工作之一。
  • 45、大多数候选人把金钱看做是求职中最大的考虑因素之一,一个没有提及到薪酬的招聘广告无法吸引到更多的求职者。
  • 46、台积电解释,整体薪酬包括本薪、奖金及员工分红,到职期满三个月即可参与每季员工分红,共享公司盈余。
  • 47、合理的CEO薪酬设计,不仅是激励企业人力资本尤其是CEO的重要手段,而且还有利于保护股东权益。
  • 48、据智联招聘对2008年最新薪酬数据分析,从不同城市的薪酬来看,排名前三的城市分别是上海、北京和深圳。
  • 49、2009年6月至2013年4月,张某利用其从事中国天辰工程有限公司职工薪酬发放的职务便利,少扣其个人及其父母个人所得税,并由单位支出该笔费用。
  • 50、北京女乒领队黄铃在谈到球员薪酬时直倒苦水。


薪酬 xīnchóu

薪酬 薪酬是员工因向所在的组织提供劳务而获得的各种形式的酬劳。狭义的薪酬指货币和可以转化为货币的报酬。广义的薪酬除了包括狭义的薪酬以外,还包括获得的各种非货币形式的满足。